Employing a person with a tempo­rary resi­dence permit under the Tempo­rary Protec­tion Directive

Here you can read what is required of you as an employer if you have employed or want to employ a person who has fled from the war in Ukraine and applied for protection under the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive.

A person who has fled from the war in Ukraine and applied for protection under the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive has the right to work in Sweden once they have received a decision on a residence permit with temporary protection. A person who has received a decision on a residence permit with temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive has a residence permit card that shows that he or she has a temporary residence and work permit.

A person who has applied for an extended residence permit on 4 March at the latest also has the right to work. While waiting for a new residence permit they can prove that they have applied for an extension in time with a letter from the Swedish Migration Agency. The letter is titled ”Bevis på mottagen ansökan om förlängt uppehållstillstånd med tillfälligt skydd – massflyktsdirektivet” (Proof of submitted application of extended residence permit with temporary protection – the Temporary Protection Directive) and is sent by post to the applicant within a few days of the application. Each person will receive their own proof of application containing their name and case number, as well as information about their right to work.

Apply for tax regi­stra­tion

A person who has a residence permit with temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive will not be entered in the population register in Sweden. In order to work in Sweden, he or she must be registered for taxation. This is done by the employee or employer sending a registration of a preliminary A-tax (employment tax) to the Swedish Tax Agency. He or she may start working even before the Swedish Tax Agency has made a decision on preliminary A-tax.

Once the Swedish Tax Agency has made a decision on a preliminary A-tax, the employee receives a coordination number if he or she does not already have one. Please note that you can get a coordination number without being registered for taxation. This means that it is not enough for the person you want to employ to have a coordination number. You must also check that he or she is registered for taxation with the Swedish Tax Agency.

Support from the Public Employment Service

The Public Employment Service has prepared information on employing a person who has fled from the war in Ukraine. There, you can read about your responsibilities as an employer and what support you can get from the Public Employment Service.

The Public Employment Service’s information on employing a person from Ukraine (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.

Employing an asylum seeker

Some people who have fled from the war in Ukraine are not covered by the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive and have instead applied for asylum. An asylum seeker has an Asylum Seeker card that shows that he or she has the right to stay in Sweden while awaiting a decision.

Read what applies if you want to employ an asylum seeker

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