Consent to personal data processing

Below, you will find information about the relevant personal data processing, and a section where you can give your consent to personal data processing. It will be your decision whether you wish to submit any information to us and whether you consent to personal data processing.


The Swedish Migration Agency wishes to process personal data about you in order to handle questions sent to us.

In some cases, you may submit personal data about people other than yourself. In this case, you must then be a legal guardian of the person in question, or have that person's consent for personal data processing.

What data will be processed?

The data that the Swedish Migration Agency intends to collect and process is personal data sent by you to us.

Personal Data Controller

Personal data is collected by the Swedish Migration Agency, which is the personal data controller. Our address is: Swedish Migration Agency, 601 70 Norrköping. Our website is, and our telephone number is 0771‑235 235. Our Organisation ID number is 202100-2163.

Purpose of personal data proces­sing

We will process your personal data with the aim of providing service to you and your relatives, and improving the quality of our services.


Your consent is valid for as long as there is a need to process the personal data. However, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting the Swedish Migration Agency. Withdrawal of your consent does not affect the support for the personal data processing that took place before consent was withdrawn.


You have the right to receive information from the Swedish Migration Agency regarding what data about you is processed, and you can request correction, transfer, deletion or restriction of your personal data. See the address above.

You can also contact the Swedish Migration Agency's data protection officer by email at in case you have questions about your consent or the Swedish Migration Agency’s personal data processing.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority if you feel that the Swedish Migration Agency is processing your personal data in a wrong or wrongful manner.

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