European Migration Network EMN
The Swedish Migration Agency is the national contact point for the EMN, the European Migration Network. It is a network that currently includes all EU member states except Denmark. Norway is also part of the network. The network was initiated by the European Commission in response to the need for the countries within EU to exchange information and knowledge.
The network provides up to date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum. Above all, it is about information that is addressed to policy makers in the EU and nationally. The aim is to support the development of a common EU policy on asylum and migration.
The EMN produces a number of reports and studies every year. On the basis of the national reports, the European Commission compiles summary reports with statistics and descriptions of the situation in the area relating to asylum and migration in the EU.
EMN Sweden is also responsible for creating and maintaining a network in Sweden. It consists of a wide range of organisations, researchers and individuals active in the field of migration and asylum. EMN Sweden annually organises one or more conferences for the network on issues of common interest.