You have received a decision Your application has been approved – Temporary Protection Directive

You have been granted a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive. The information on this page applies to both those who have been granted a permit for the first time and those who have been granted an extended permit.

A residence permit granted under the Temporary Protection Directive is valid until 4 March 2026. If your residence permit will soon expire, you will receive information about what you must do.

Notify the Swedish Migration Agency if you change your address

You must notify the Swedish Migration Agency if you change your address. To do so, send the “Adressanmälan eller adressändring” [Notification of address or change of address] form (Mot93) to the nearest Unit for Reception:

Adressanmälan eller adressändring [Notification of address or change of address] (Mot93, only in Swedish) Pdf, 692.6 kB.

1. Personal details

Fill in the names, phone numbers, and case numbers of all the people who are moving to the new address, including children.

2. Registered/New address


Enter the name of the person whose name is on the door of the residence/postbox. If your own name is on the door/postbox, you do not need to provide a c/o.

Street address:
Enter the name of the street on which the residence is located.

Apartment number:
If you live in an apartment, please specify the apartment number of the apartment, which consists of four digits. You can find the apartment number in the entrance of the building, on the door to your residence, on the postbox, or on your contract.

Postal code and town/city:
Postal code and town/city.

The address is valid from (enter the year, month and day):
Please indicate the date from which your new address applies; enter the year, month, and day.

3. Other information

Here you can provide information of which you think the Swedish Migration Agency should be aware.

4. Signature

If the change of address applies to more than one adult, the form must be signed by all persons over 18 years of age.

Submit or send the form to your Unit for Reception.

You can find the addresses of the Swedish Migration Agency’s Units for Reception on the contact details page:

Postal addresses

As proof of your residence permit with temporary protection, you will receive a residence permit card.

If you have applied for the first time and did not get fingerprinted when you were photographed in connection with your application, you must come to the Swedish Migration Agency before you can receive your residence permit card. You will get more information about how this will be handled when you receive the decision.

If you have been granted an extended residence permit, you were asked to book an appointment to be fingerprinted and photographed when you applied for the permit. If you have applied for several people, everyone must come to the appointment. Contact your Unit for Reception if you need financial aid for your journey to the Swedish Migration Agency.

Once your residence permit card is ready, we will send the card to you by post or contact you and tell you where you can pick it up.

The card also shows that you have the right to receive support under the Act on Reception of Asylum Seekers and Others (“lagen om mottagande av asylsökande” in Swedish, commonly abbreviated to “LMA”). Take your residence permit card with you when you go for medical care or pick up prescribed medication from a pharmacy. The card entitles you to medical care and medicine at a lower price. However, once you have been listed in the Swedish Population Register, this cost reduction no longer applies.

When you are granted a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive for the first time, the Swedish Tax Agency will issue you a coordination number and send it to you.

A coordination number is a personal identity number that makes it easier when, for example, you have contact with authorities, sign an employment contract or open a bank account. A coordination number is not the same as a Swedish personal identity number and does not mean that you are listed in the Swedish Population Register.

To receive a coordination number, you must have

  • been granted a residence permit with protection under the Temporary Protection Directive
  • presented identity documents (such as a national passport, alien’s passport, travel document, or Ukrainian domestic passport) in connection with your application
  • been fingerprinted and photographed for your residence permit card
  • an address where you live on a relatively permanent basis.

If you change your address after you have received a coordination number, you must notify both the Swedish Migration Agency and the Swedish Tax Agency of the new address.

The Swedish Tax Agency’s information about coordination numbers External link.

Once you have had a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive for one year, you must report your move to Sweden to the Swedish Tax Agency, which will then decide if you can be listed in the Swedish Population Register. You must be listed in the Swedish Population Register in order for you to get a Swedish personal identity number and access the resources of the Swedish social insurance system.

Children born in Sweden less than a year ago can be listed at the same time as their parents. That way, you don’t have to wait until your child’s first birthday to complete their population registration.

Read more about population registration and submit your notification to the Swedish Tax Agency External link.

Once you have been listed in the Swedish Population Register, you will no longer be entitled to accommodation or financial aid from the Swedish Migration Agency. Instead, you will be entitled to other support from the Swedish welfare system.

Read more about what it means to be listed in the Swedish Population Register and the support to which you may be entitled External link.

If the security situation in Ukraine improves so much that the EU decides that the Temporary Protection Directive should be repealed before 4 March 2026, the Swedish Migration Agency will revoke your permit. If that happens, you will be informed about it before the permit expires.

The Swedish Migration Agency may also decide to revoke your residence permit if it turns out that you have provided incorrect information in your application.

Information about accommodation, healthcare and other obligations and rights

While you are waiting for a decision, and even after you have received a residence permit, you can receive various types of support from the Swedish Migration Agency.

You have a permit in Sweden – Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.