You have received a decision Reestablishment support

If your application for asylum has been rejected, you can receive extra support from the Swedish Migration Agency when you return home. You can apply for financial support, but can also get help with your social reintegration through other support measures.

There are two different types of support for which you can apply when you return to your country of origin:

  • Reestablishment support: Financial support that is paid to you once you have arrived at your country of origin. The support is for people who will be returning to a country where the security situation will make it difficult to reestablish themselves.
  • Reintegration support: support measures to help with social reintegration, for example through education, job advice (for example starting your own business) or other support based on your individual needs.

Reestablishment aid is paid to people who will be returning to a country where the security situation will make their reestablishment difficult.

You can get this support if you will be returning to one of these countries:

Afghanistan, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan.

Conditions for receiving the support

Conditions for receiving the support

  • Your application for asylum has been rejected, or you have withdrawn your application for asylum in Sweden.
  • You will be voluntarily returning to a country where the security situation will make it difficult for you to reestablish yourself.
  • It is likely that you will be received in the country to which you intend to return.
  • You are in Sweden when you apply.
  • You apply soon after our rejection or your own withdrawal of your asylum application.

Your family members who will return with you can also receive support: your spouse, cohabiting partner, children under 18 years of age, or other close relatives who live with you. In order to receive the support, your family members must also be in Sweden when you submit your application.

Application and decision

You apply for reestablishment support during your return conversation with your reception officer.

A decision about reestablishment support cannot be appealed.

The support is paid out in your country of origin

In most cases, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) will pay you the money once you arrive in your country of origin. Before you leave Sweden, you will receive telephone numbers for the IOM office in your country of origin. Once you have arrived in your country of origin, you call this office and make an appointment for the payment of the reestablishment support.

The entire amount is paid out at one time. When you go to collect the money, you must present a passport or copy of your temporary travel document, as well as a copy of the decision granting you reestablishment support. The IOM also offers a support line for people who want to ask questions about the payout of the support money before they travel to their country of origin. The helpline is open weekdays and available in multiple languages.

If you are returning to the Central African Republic, Eritrea, Yemen or Palestine, the support will be paid to your bank account after you return to your country of origin.

Read more about IOM (International Organization for Migration) External link.

How much money you can get

The reestablishment support corresponds to SEK 30,000 for each person over the age of 18 and SEK 15,000 for children under the age of 18. A family can receive a maximum total of SEK 75,000.

If you provide inaccurate information

The Swedish Migration Agency may decide that you must repay the support in whole or in part, in these cases:

  • if you fail to return voluntarily, or if you enter Sweden illegally after you have returned
  • if you have provided incorrect information or otherwise caused the support to have been paid out incorrectly or in excess.

If you are returning to your country of origin, you have the opportunity to apply for support measures to help you re-enter society, so-called “reintegration support”. These support measures are implemented as part of the EU Reintegration Programme (EURP).

You can get this support if you will be returning to one of these countries:

Armenia, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gambia, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Somalia.

Conditions for receiving the support

Both adults and children can receive the support, if the following applies to you:

  • Your application for asylum has been rejected, or you have withdrawn your application for asylum in Sweden.
  • It is likely that you will be received in the country to which you intend to return, and you intend to reestablish yourself there.
  • You are in Sweden when you apply.

If you are sentenced to expulsion because you committed a crime, you are not entitled to the support.

Examples of support you can receive

The support you can receive is adapted to your needs, and may include:

  • reception upon arrival at the airport in your country of origin
  • temporary accommodation
  • grant for starting your own business
  • help with entering the labour market
  • education (including vocational training)
  • job advice
  • support in your contact with national authorities
  • legal advice
  • medical care.

Application and decision

You can apply for the support when your application for asylum has been rejected or when you have withdrawn your application for asylum. If your case is handled by the Swedish Migration Agency, you apply during your conversation with your reception officer, and it is then the Swedish Migration Agency that decides whether you can receive the support. If your case is handled by the police, you submit your application there. If you are from Mongolia, you cannot get the support if it is handled by the police.

The decision cannot be appealed.

Amount of support

If you choose to return voluntarily, you and your family can receive support equivalent to a maximum of EUR 5,000 per person and a minimum of EUR 1,000 per person.

The amount of support you can receive depends on when you return:

EUR 5,000 will be granted to each family member who chooses not to appeal the Swedish Migration Agency’s decision to reject their asylum application and leaves Sweden within the time specified in the decision. An asylum seeker who withdraws their application is granted the same amount.

EUR 3,000 will be granted to each family member who has appealed the decision of the Swedish Migration Agency to the court, and where the court upholds the decision to reject, and who voluntarily leaves Sweden within the time specified in the court decision.

EUR 2,000 will be granted to the main applicant and EUR 1,000 to each other family member who has appealed the decision of the Swedish Migration Agency to the court, and where the court upholds the decision to reject, and who voluntarily leaves Sweden after the time stated in the court decision.

EUR 1,000 will be granted to persons who leave Sweden by force, i.e. after the Swedish Migration Agency has handed over their case to the Swedish Police Authority.

You can also get so-called arrival support, which is adapted to your own needs and can be used during the first five days after you return to your country of origin. The arrival support totals EUR 615 per person, and you choose whether you want the support in cash or in the form of support measures. Arrival support for people who return by force (that is, with the Police) totals EUR 205 per person.

More information about the support

If you would like more information before applying, you can contact the relevant organisation before leaving Sweden. Contact your nearest Unit for Reception to get the organisations’ contact details.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

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If you are retur­ning to your country of origin, you can receive support worth EUR 5,000

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Now you can see your complete deci­sion on My Page

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