
Citizenship for stateless children born in Sweden
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

Apply for citizenship – for stateless children born in Sweden Here is information on how a stateless child under the age of 18 who is born in Sweden...

To be released from Swedish citizenship
English / Private individuals / ... / Losing or retaining citizenship

To be released from Swedish citizenship If you no longer wish to be a Swedish citizen, you may apply to be released from it. In order to be released...

Frequently asked questions about Swedish citizenship
English/Private individuals/Becoming a Swedish citizen

Frequently asked questions about Swedish citizenship Here are answers to common questions about becoming a Swedish citizen. Do I have to submit my...

Citizenship for young adults between 18 and 21 years
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

Apply for citizenship – for those 18 to 20 years of age Here is information about how to apply for Swedish citizenship if you are a young adult 18 to...

Automatic citizenship through birth, adoption or the parents’ marriage
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

Automatic citizenship through birth, adoption or the parents’ marriage Here is information on children who can automatically become Swedish citizens...

Swedish citi­zenship for EU/​EEA citi­zens and their fami­lies
English / Private individuals / ... / After five years in Sweden

card or a residence permit, you may apply for Swedish citizenship. With effect from 1 April 2015, a right of residence or a residence card is equivalent...

Citizenship for young adult Nordic citizens between 18 and 21 years
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

Apply for citizenship – for those 18 to 20 years of age who are Nordic citizens Here is information on how you, as a young adult Nordic citizen 18 to...

Citizenship for children born abroad with a Swedish father before 1 April 2015
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

Apply for citizenship – for children born abroad with a Swedish father before 1 April 2015 Here, you find information on how to apply for Swedish...

Decla­ra­tion of citi­zenship
English/Private individuals/Becoming a Swedish citizen

You may apply for a written declaration of citizenship that shows whether you are a Swedish citizen.

Apply for citi­zenship
English/Private individuals/Becoming a Swedish citizen

Apply for citizenship If you want to become a Swedish citizen, you can apply for Swedish citizenship. Here are links to information on what...

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