Apply for extended protection by no later than 4 March

If your residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive expires in 2025, you will need to apply for extended protection by no later than 4 March in order to stay in Sweden. This rule applies even if you are listed in the Swedish Population Register.

On 4 March at 23:59 CET, the online application service for extended protection under the Temporary Protection Directive will close. If you have not applied by this deadline, you will lose all rights granted by your residence permit. This rule applies even if you are listed in the Swedish Population Register.

What happens if you don’t apply in time

  • You lose all rights granted by your residence permit.
  • You must re-apply for a residence permit and any support.
  • You lose the right to work or participate in the Swedish Public Employment Service’s establishment programme until you have received a new decision.

One appli­ca­tion per family

You can only make one online application per account or BankID. Parents should apply for themselves and their children in the same online application. You can apply for yourself, up to two adult co-applicant family members, and up to ten children under the age of 18 to whom you are a parent/legal guardian. Children can only co-apply with their own parents/legal guardians.

After you apply

After you apply, everyone listed in the application must visit the Swedish Migration Agency in person to be photographed and provide fingerprints for their new residence permit card. The appointment is booked in the application e-service. When you have booked an appointment and submitted your application in the e-service, you have applied on time, even if your appointment is after 4 March.

New resi­dence permit card

Once you have been photographed and fingerprinted, you will receive a new residence permit card (“UT-kort”). The card shows how long your residence permit is valid. If you have been listed in the Swedish Population Register, your new residence permit card will not contain your case number or the text “omfattas av LMA” [“subject to the Act on Reception of Asylum Seekers”] This is because you are no longer entitled to support from the Swedish Migration Agency and cannot, for example, get cheaper healthcare or medications by presenting your residence permit card.

Tell us if you move

We will post the decision and your new residence permit card to your home address. It is important that we have the right address for you.

If you are listed in the Swedish Population Register, you must notify the Swedish Tax Agency of your new address if you move. The Swedish Tax Agency will notify the Swedish Migration Agency of your change of address.

Report your move (change of address) to the Swedish Tax Agency External link, opens in new window.

If you are not listed in the Swedish Population Register, you must instead report your new address to the Swedish Migration Agency by sending the form Adressanmälan eller adressändring [Address notification or change of address] (Mot93) to your local Unit for Reception.

Adressanmälan eller adressändring [Address notification or change of address], form Mot93 Pdf, 692.6 kB, opens in new window.

Follow your case on My Page

You can use the My Page e-service to see how your case is progressing and whether a decision has been made.

Sign in to My Page

Apply for extended protec­tion

Find out more and apply for extended protection