Active parti­ci­pa­tion

If you have a residence permit for studies at the upper-secondary level that is valid for more than 13 months, then each year you must make a report proving that you have actively participated in your education. If you do not meet the requirement for active participation, the Swedish Migration Agency may reconsider the length of your residence permit or revoke the residence permit.

The Swedish Migration Agency will contact you by letter when it is time for you to submit documentation proving that you are actively participating in your education. Which documents you need to submit depend on the type of school at which you are studying.

Upper-Secon­dary School and Special Upper-Secon­dary School

You must submit your individual study plan and an extract from the grading catalogue.

If you have not yet received your grades, or if you have not received passing grades in all your completed courses, you must submit documents showing that you have participated in the classes included in your education. You may also submit other documents showing that you are completing the education according to your individual study plan.

Muni­cipal Adult Educa­tion (Komvux) or Special Needs Muni­cipal Adult Educa­tion (Särvux)

You must submit your individual study plan and an extract from the grading catalogue. If you have taken an orientation course or an individual course, you should submit a certificate of it.

If you have not yet received your grades, or if you have not received passing grades in all your completed courses, you must submit other documents showing that you are completing the education according to your individual study plan.

Folk High School

You must submit your planning document. If you have read a full academic year at your folk high school, you must also submit your study evaluation. If you have received a certificate of basic eligibility, you must also submit this document.

If you have not received a study evaluation or certificate of general eligibility, you must submit other documents showing that you are completing the education according to your planning document.

Send your docu­ments by post

You will receive a letter when it is time to submit documents that show that you meet the active participation requirement. The address to which you must send your documents is stated in the letter. Write your case number on all documents you submit. Your case number can be found at the top right corner of the letter that you receive from the Swedish Migration Agency.

The letter also says how long you have to submit your documents. You will receive one reminder.

If you do not submit any documents, or if the Swedish Migration Agency determines that you have not participated actively in your education, the Swedish Migration Agency may decide to revoke your residence permit. If your residence permit is revoked you must leave Sweden. However, if your residence permit is based on for example your need for protection, but the length of the permit is linked to your studies at upper secondary level, the Swedish Migration Agency may decide that the period of validity of your residence permit should be changed, if you cannot prove that you are actively participating in your studies.

Frequently asked questions and answers about the law on upper-secondary level studies

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