Protection status
Sweden has signed the UN Refugee Convention. Under the convention, refugees have the right to receive an officially recognised status as refugees.
The Swedish Aliens Act also follows the EU Qualification Directive, which gives everyone who receives a residence permit on the grounds that they need protection the right to an official status as well.
If you are considered to be a refugee you will receive a refugee status declaration – an internationally recognised status based on rules in the Geneva Convention as well as in the EU Qualification Directive.
Read about residence permits for those with refugee status
If you are considered to be a person in need of subsidiary protection you will receive a subsidiary protection status declaration – an internationally recognised status based on the regulations in the EU Qualification Directive.
Read about residence permits for those with subsidiary protection status
Applying for a specific status after receiving a residence permit
If you have been granted a residence permit in Sweden, but no official status declaration, you can apply for one afterwards. This also applies if you have been granted status declaration as a person in need of subsidiary protection but would like to change it to refugee status.
You can apply at one of the Migration Agency’s application units in Gothenburg, Malmö or Stockholm.
Appealing a status declaration
A status declaration can be appealed separately from the decision about a residence permit. This means that even a person who has received a residence permit can appeal a decision not to give him/her any official protection status.
Your status can be withdrawn
Your protection status can be withdrawn, for example if you are no longer in need of protection. However, this requires that the circumstances that led to your being granted a specific protection status no longer apply, or have changed substantially and permanently.
Your refugee status can also be withdrawn if you show that you intend to make use of protection provided by your home country, for example by applying for a new national passport or requesting that the Migration Agency return your old national passport to you.
Having your status withdrawn need not mean that your residence permit is affected. However, if you have a travel document you will have to return it if your status is withdrawn.
Read more about the Refugee Convention External link, opens in new window.
Read the Aliens Act (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
Read the Qualification Directive External link, opens in new window.