Forms of support

If you have to return to your country of origin, you may apply for support to help you to return to society again. This support is arranged by an organisation in your country of origin and is provided within the European collaboration project EU Reintegration Programme (EURP).

Support to Pales­tine is paused

Due to the security situation in the country, the current partner organization Caritas has announced that it is unable to implement the program.

Extended support to Iraqi retur­nees ended 30 June 2024

In June 2023, the Swedish Migration Agency decided on a time-limited increase in the support to Iraqis returning voluntarily, within the framework of the EU Reintegration Program (EURP). The temporary increase of EUR 5,000/person ended on 30 June. As of 1 July 2024, Iraqis returning voluntarily are offered EUR 3,000/person, which is the same amount as other nationalities included in the program.

The forms of support you may be entitled to are mainly services leading to employment and helping you to provide for yourself, and they are adapted to your needs.

You are entitled to the support if you have to return to any of the following:

Armenia, Bangladesh, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Mongolia, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Somaliland, The Democratic Republic of Kongo and The Gambia.

People who return by force (that is, with the Police) to Mongolia can currently not receive this support.

Forms of support

The forms of support offered to you if you are returning are adapted to your needs and can include

  • reception on arrival at the airport in your country of origin
  • temporary accommodation
  • allowance for setting up your own business
  • help with getting onto the job market
  • education (including vocational training)
  • job advice
  • support in contact with the authorities
  • legal advice
  • medical care.

Condi­tions for entit­le­ment to the support

You are entitled to the support, whether you are a child or an adult, if you

  • have had your application for asylum rejected, or if you have withdrawn your application for asylum in Sweden
  • are likely to be received in the country you intend to return to and are planning to reestablish yourself there
  • are staying in Sweden when you apply.

You are not entitled to the support if an order has been made to deport you.

Appli­ca­tion and deci­sion

You can apply for the support when you have had your application for asylum rejected, or when you have withdrawn your application for asylum. If your case is being handled by the Swedish Migration Agency, you will need to apply through your Reception Officer and it will then be the Swedish Migration Agency that decides whether you are entitled to the support or not. If your case is being handled by the Police, you need to apply to the Police, who will make a decision. This decision cannot be appealed.

The amount of the support

If you choose to return of your own accord, you can receive support in the amount of EUR 3,000. If the Police have accepted responsibility for your expulsion or deportation, you may in some countries receive support equivalent to a total of EUR 2,000. If you are a child without a parent/legal guardian, the amount is not reduced if the Police have assumed responsibility for your expulsion or deportation.

You can also receive a post-arrival support, adapted to your needs, to be used during the first three days after your arrival home. The support is EUR 615 per person and you can choose how to use the support.

Further infor­ma­tion about the support

If you want more information before you apply for the support, you can contact the organisation concerned by phone or email before you leave Sweden. You can get help with contact details for the organizations by contacting your nearest reception unit.

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