Complete applications lead to quick decisions for highly skilled workers

On 29 January, the Swedish Migration Agency’s new way of working with work permits was launched. The results of the initial period show that the working method works well and that complete applications from highly skilled workers are decided on within 30 days.

In the policy specification for 2023, the Swedish Migration Agency was assigned the task of promoting highly qualified labour immigration to Sweden. The aim is to ensure that employers in highly qualified professional sectors get the labour they need, when they need it, thereby contributing to a competitive Sweden.

The new way of working puts particular focus on:

  • Better service
  • 30-day processing time for highly qualified workers with a complete application
  • Easier to apply

The results of the initial period show that the average processing time for complete applications submitted by highly qualified workers is around 14 days.

– After the first three months, we have noticed that the results of the work to achieve a more predictable process for those who recruit highly qualified workers and submit a complete application have turned out well. The employers who have submitted a complete application have received quick decisions, says Fredrik Bengtsson, Regional Director, Region South at the Swedish Migration Agency.

By identifying complete applications at an early stage, it will be easier to make decisions quickly in these cases. At the same time, targeted service initiatives are underway for employers to ensure that there are good conditions for submitting a complete application.

– The applicant is always responsible for showing that the conditions are met and that the application is complete. On the other hand, we must provide the best possible conditions for doing things right from the start and offer good service to those employers who need support, says Fredrik Bengtsson.

How to get extra support

Are you looking to recruit highly skilled workers and want support in the application process?

Fill out the form below, and our experts will get back to you within a few days.

Contact us for support in the recruitment of highly qualified workers

Every month, you will be able to follow our processing times for highly qualified workers on the page Support for employers before the application process.

Here you will find statistics for the average processing time for cases covered by the service commitment for a decision within 30 days.

Average processing time in days

Processing time for decided cases (days)




Highly qualified workers




EU Blue Card








ICT permits