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If you are seeking asylum without a parent or other custo­dian
English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

other young people who want to know more about what asylum is or by adults who want help explaining the asylum process to children and young people. The...

Health care for asylum seekers
English / Private individuals / ... / While you are waiting for a decision

how to avoid infecting others. Examples of sexually transmitted diseases include chlamydia, hepatitis, gonorrhoea and HIV. If you know that you have...

Rights and obligations
Privatpersoner/Skydd och asyl i Sverige/Resettlement

If you receive information about the planning of FGM, you are required to notify the Swedish authorities. If you or someone you know has been subjected...

Entry visa for busi­ness trip during an ongoing appli­ca­tion for an extended work permit
English / Private individuals / ... / If you are in Sweden

your D-visa application before you know if and when the business trip will occur. If you are exempt from the visa requirements, you do not need to apply...

Bank card for asylum seekers
English / Private individuals / ... / Financial support

not know your codes. How to use your bank card You can both pay and withdraw money with your bank card. You can pay with your card at all stores in...

Privatpersoner / Skydd och asyl i Sverige / ... / For children and teenagers

a lunch break and breaks between classes during which you will get to know your classmates. In school, it is important that pupils show respect for...

Friends and relationships
Privatpersoner / Skydd och asyl i Sverige / ... / For children and teenagers

things, or spreads rumours. It can also mean making someone feel unwelcome or like an outcast. If you or someone you know are being bullied, talk to a...

Apply for extended protection
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

can always contact the Swedish Migration Agency and let us know, even if you have previously arranged your accommodation or support yourself. If you...

Bank card for those who have protection under the Temporary Protection Directive
English / Private individuals / ... / Financial support

three times. The Migration Agency does not know your codes. How to use your bank card You can both pay and withdraw money with your bank card. You can pay...

Residence permit if the relationship ends
English / Private individuals / ... / Extending a permit

appear likely that the offence has taken place. It is important that you let the Migration Agency know if you or your child have been abused. If there are...

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