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Problems with our online applications?
English/Contact us/Email us

the online service on another computer? Yes No What operating system does your computer have? Windows Mac Other/Don't know Which web browser are you...

For those seeking asylum without a parent or other legal guar­dian
English / Private individuals / ... / Children seeking asylum

other young people who want to know more about what asylum is or by adults who want help explaining the asylum process to children and young people. The...

Genital mutilation is prohibited
English / Private individuals / ... / Children seeking asylum

mutilation is never punished. Contact the police at 114 14 if you are afraid that you or someone you know will be subjected to genital mutilation. You can also...

If your appli­ca­tion for asylum is refused
English / Private individuals / ... / After a decision on your application for asylum

to know if you have to leave Sweden Support with your return Depending on what country you come from, you may be able to receive financial support or...

You have the right to freedom from honour related violence and oppression
English / Private individuals / ... / Children seeking asylum

should not have to control anyone else. Where to turn If you or someone you know is being subjected to honour-related violence or oppression, you can turn...

Decla­ra­tion of citi­zenship
English/Private individuals/Becoming a Swedish citizen

You may apply for a written declaration of citizenship that shows whether you are a Swedish citizen.

English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

what we know about the situation in your home country. After that we compare this what the law says about who should be granted asylum in Sweden. You...

Persons and autho­ri­ties you will meet
English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

Also tell us if you and the interpreter are related or know each other in some other way. If you prefer to have a man or a woman as an interpreter, you...

Children seeking asylum with parents – asylum decision
English / Private individuals / ... / With parents

what we know about the situation in your home country. After that we compare this with what the law says about who should be granted asylum in Sweden...

Gender identity and sexual orientation
English / Private individuals / ... / Children seeking asylum

to which you can turn if you want to know more or if you need support. RFSL Through this organisation, you can connect with other LGBTQI+ people...

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