received 2021-2022. The number of work permit cases received has increased over the past two years. Within the asylum process, it is Russia's invasion of...
serious illness, imminent risk for deportation or a particularly vulnera- ble situation in the country of asylum. These cases are presented from numerous...
initiated by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) under RRF (Return Reintegration Facility), and it is co-financed by the Asylum...
termination of employment of an asylum seeker, form number 152011 (به سوئدی) اگر کمک هزینه روزانه دریافت می کنید باید درآمد ناشی از کار خود را به اداره مهاجرات...
خاص رسانیده میشود که میتوانید آن را در قسمت پایین صفحه هذا بدست بیاورید. Notification of employment or termination of employment of an asylum seeker...
employment of an asylum seeker, form number 152011 (на шведском) Если вы получаете суточное пособие, вы всегда обязаны уведомлять Миграционную службу о своих...
employment of an asylum seeker, form 152011 (n’existe qu’en suédois) Si vous recevez une allocation journalière, vous devez toujours déclarer vos revenus à...
Notification of employment or termination of employment of an asylum seeker, form number 152011 (باللغة السويدية) إذا كنت تتقاضى تعويضاً يومياً يجب عليك دائماً...
xaggiisa hoose ama dhammaadkiisa. Notification of employment or termination of employment of an asylum seeker, form number 152011 (oo af iswiidhish) Haddii...
asylum in Sweden, of which just over 95,000 were granted residence permits. Of the citizenship applications that have been decided in the past month, 75...