
Employing highly qualified staff (EU Blue Card)
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

card. Read more about a residence permit card Notify the Swedish Tax Agency When you employ someone from a country outside the EU, you must inform the...

English/Private individuals/Leaving Sweden

going with you, you must send in copies of their passports as well. a copy of your latest final tax statement from the Swedish Tax Agency for you and your...

Frontier workers
English/Private individuals/British citizens

or copy of your British national identity card documents that show that you are self-employed, for example F-tax certificate and certificate of...

Things to consider before you move
English / Private individuals / ... / Volun­tary repat­ri­a­tion

terminate your lease well in advance of your moving date. Report your move abroad to the Swedish Tax Agency. Fill in the form Notification – Moving abroad...

Automatic citizenship through birth, adoption or the parents’ marriage
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

need to contact the Swedish Tax Agency to register the child in Sweden and file a name registration. Read more about how to file a name registration on...

Employing a seasonal worker
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

to satisfy this requirement, the employee must work enough so as to earn at least SEK 13,000 per month before tax) advertise the job in Sweden and in...

Your responsibilities as an employer
English/Other operators/Employers

be in Sweden and to work for you. You also have to inform the Swedish Tax Agency that you have employed the person. The requirement to check the right...

Work, school and health care under the EU Temporary Protection Directive
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

with the Swedish Tax Agency to pay taxes. You or your employer should submit a registration form for preliminary income tax (so called A-skatt). If you...

Introduction to the Swedish society
Privatpersoner/Skydd och asyl i Sverige/Resettlement

municipality will help you with accommodation and starting your life in Sweden. You need to register as a Swedish resident with the Swedish Tax Agency in order...

Permission for family members of British citizens
English/Private individuals/British citizens

identity card documents that show that your family member are self-employed, for example F-tax certificate and certificate of registration, latest VAT return...

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