
Employing highly qualified staff (EU Blue Card)
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

card. Read more about a residence permit card Notify the Swedish Tax Agency When you employ someone from a country outside the EU, you must inform the...

Employing a seasonal worker
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

to satisfy this requirement, the employee must work enough so as to earn at least SEK 13,000 per month before tax) advertise the job in Sweden and in...

Your responsibilities as an employer
English/Other operators/Employers

be in Sweden and to work for you. You also have to inform the Swedish Tax Agency that you have employed the person. The requirement to check the right...

After the decision has been made – if your potential employee is given a work permit
English / Other operators / ... / Employing people from non-EU countries

register. It is therefore important to ensure that the passport is valid throughout the entire period of employment. Notify the Swedish Tax Agency When you...

Frequently asked ques­tions about work permits for berry picking
English / Other operators / ... / Berry pickers

identity card showing their citizenship. For more questions, please contact the Swedish Tax Agency. The trade union hasn't commented on the information about...

Employing an asylum seeker
English / Other operators / ... / Employing someone who is already in Sweden

costs that may arise in the event of illness or an accident. 7 Notify the Swedish Tax Agency When you employ someone from a non-EU country, you must...

When you are employing someone from a country outside the EU
English / Other operators / ... / Employing people from non-EU countries

you must also enclose the company's tax account statements for the last three months. The tax account statement shall show paid social security...

Hiring berry pickers who have a repre­sen­ta­tive
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

Sweden and work for you. When a person is employed from a country outside the EU, this must generally also be reported to the Swedish Tax Agency...

Representative for berry pickers
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

outside the EU, this must generally also be reported to the Swedish Tax Agency. Resi­dence permit cards If the employees have been granted residence and...

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