
Programindikatorer specifikt mål 4 Solidaritet
Andra aktörer / EU-fonder / ... / Programindikatorer-AMIFs riktlinjer

från European Asylum Support Office (EASO), FN:s flyktingkommissariat (UNHCR), eller annat relevant internationellt organ, av tredjelandsmedborgare...

Power of attorney – Applying to open cases at the Swedish Migration Agency Pdf. PDF

Use this power of attorney if you want a representative to represent you in your contact with the Swedish Migration Agency and the courts that handle migration cases.

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: how we work to revoke permits
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

granted a residence permit in Sweden on the grounds of asylum, they will first have received a status declaration: a refugee status declaration or a...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: how we work to revoke permits
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

granted a residence permit in Sweden on the grounds of asylum, they will first have received a status declaration: a refugee status declaration or a...

Call us
English/Contact us

The telephone number to the Swedish Migration Agency is +46 771-235 235 (0771-235 235 within Sweden). You can find more contact information on the page Contact us.

Klassningskoder Pdf. PDF

classification Asyl- eller asylliknande skäl Asylum or asylum-related grounds Kod Klartext Lagrum Code Description Paragraph AC Väpnad konflikt, alternativt...

Application for Swedish work permit Pdf. PDF

Use this form when you apply for a work permit in Sweden, and are a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA area or Switzerland.

Resi­dence permit for a parent of an unac­com­pa­nied child in Sweden
English/Private individuals/Moving to someone in Sweden

a residence permit, it is usually required that the child in Sweden has received a residence permit due to asylum reasons. Requi­re­ments for...

If you want to appeal
English/Private individuals/Moving to someone in Sweden

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

If you want to appeal
English/Private individuals/Working in Sweden

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

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