
Statistics about asylum applications
English/About the Migration Agency/Statistics

Asylum Here you find current statistics and statistics from previous years about asylum. The statistics are updated every month. Monthly statistics...

To those seeking asylum in Sweden
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / Other languages

To those seeking asylum in Sweden Your application for asylum will be considered by the Swedish Migration Agency. The rules for who can be given...

A new way to serve deci­sions in asylum cases from 1 March
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

A new way to serve deci­sions in asylum cases from 1 March Nytt sätt att delge beslut i asylä­renden från 1 mars – engelska Until now, the Swedish...

If you are seeking asylum with a parent or other custo­dian
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / لك، أنت من يطلب الّلجوء مع أحد الوالدين أو وصي آخر

والحصول على دعم. لديهم أيضًا شبكة للأشخاص الجدد في السويد،, RFSL Newcomers (باللغة الإنكليزية).

English/About the Migration Agency

is the agency responsible for the official statistics on immigration and asylum seekers. European statistics Eurostat is the statistical office of the...

Overview statistics about granted permits
English/About the Migration Agency/Statistics

Granted residence permits overviews Here you find statistics about granted residence permits for work, studies, family reunification, asylum and...

EU agencies
English/About the Migration Agency/EU and international

EUAA, eu-LISA and Frontex. EUAA EUAA, the European Union Agency for Asylum, shall improve the practical implementation of the common European asylum...

European Migration Network (EMN)
English/About the Migration Agency/EU and international

comparable information on migration and asylum. Above all, it is about information that is addressed to policy makers in the EU and nationally. The aim is to...

Cooperation with others
English/About the Migration Agency/Our mission

various reasons, we also work on the basis of a special regulatory mandate to assign municipal housing spaces to asylum seekers who have received residence...

The Swedish Migra­tion Agency answers: Who comes to Sweden – and why?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

million asylum seekers came to Sweden, which led to temporary border controls and stricter migration legislation. After that, the number of asylum seekers...

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