
Hiring a performer
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

Notify the Swedish Tax Agency When you hire someone from a country outside the EU, you must inform the Swedish Tax Agency. You do this by filling in the...

Frequently asked ques­tions from EU/​EEA citi­zens and long-term resi­dents
English/Private individuals/EUEEA citizens

If you are going to be resident in Sweden for at least one year, you must contact the Swedish Tax Agency to register in the population register. If you...

Certain industries are subject to more stringent control
English / Other operators / ... / Employing people from non-EU countries

certificate from the Tax Agency indicates the SNI code. SNI codes Employment as a personal assi­stant For a work permit as a personal assistant the employee...

Employing someone who has travelled to Sweden as your prospective employee
English / Other operators / ... / Employing someone who is already in Sweden

working for you, you must also include the company's tax account statements for the last three months. The tax account statement shall show paid social...

Citizenship for young adults between 18 and 21 years
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

If you are or have been self-employed, you must include the registration certificate and corporate tax certificate of the company tax returns or other...

Exten­ding a resi­dence permit for former asylum seekers and their fami­lies
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

you wait for a decision and therefore will not meet the maintenance requirement. Amount of income Your income after tax must be so large that, after...

English/Private individuals/Leaving Sweden

going with you, you must send in copies of their passports as well. a copy of your latest final tax statement from the Swedish Tax Agency for you and your...

Employing highly qualified staff (EU Blue Card)
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

card. Read more about a residence permit card Notify the Swedish Tax Agency When you employ someone from a country outside the EU, you must inform the...

Automatic citizenship through birth, adoption or the parents’ marriage
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

the time of his or her death. If your child is born outside Sweden You need to contact the Swedish Tax Agency to register the child in Sweden and file a...

Frontier workers
English/Private individuals/British citizens

or copy of your British national identity card documents that show that you are self-employed, for example F-tax certificate and certificate of...

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