
After a deci­sion about residence permit to move to someone in Sweden has been made
English / Private individuals / ... / Spouse, registered partner or cohabiting partner

If your spouse, partner or cohabiting partner, has applied for asylum and received a temporary residence permit, you will receive a residence permit...

After a deci­sion has been made on a resi­dence permit to move to someone in Sweden
English / Private individuals / ... / Planning to marry or become the cohabiting partner

If your spouse, partner or cohabiting partner, has applied for asylum and received a temporary residence permit, you will receive a residence permit...

After a deci­sion has been made on a resi­dence permit to move to someone in Sweden
English / Private individuals / ... / Parent or other family member

If your spouse, partner or cohabiting partner, has applied for asylum and received a temporary residence permit, you will receive a residence permit...

Residence permit for other studies
English/Private individuals/Studying in Sweden

If you intend to take a course of study in Sweden that is not higher education, you will need a residence permit if the course is longer than three months. This permit must have been granted before leaving for Sweden.

Permits for a family member of a person who has a work permit
English/Private individuals/Working in Sweden

given a permit in certain cases. The requirement is that they are being supported financially by you or your partner. Children of asylum seekers Children...

Introduction to the Swedish society
Privatpersoner/Skydd och asyl i Sverige/Resettlement

granted a residence permit – Learning Swedish I am seeking asylum – Start learning Swedish Begin your new life in Sweden Topics to discuss The financial...

Your rights as a child in Sweden
Privatpersoner / Skydd och asyl i Sverige / ... / For children and teenagers

for asylum together with the person to whom you are, instead of with your parents, you are counted as an unaccompanied minor. You will then be appointed...

Increased maintenance requirement for work permits
English/About the Migration Agency/Current topics

the other hand, the new requirement of good income applies to persons who have had their asylum application rejected and instead apply for a work permit...

Visit Sweden up to 90 days – apply for a visa
English/Private individuals/Visiting Sweden

asylum authorities of member states. The data are accessible in order check that the conditions for legal entry to and stay and residence on the territory...

በስዊድን ኣገር ጥገኝነት ለሚጠይቁ ሁሉ
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / Other languages

16.00 በተጨማሪ እዚህ ላይ ኣንብብ . በ ስዊድናዊ ሕብረተሰብ ህይወቱ እንዴት እንደሚመራ በተጨማሪ ማንበብ ይቻላል። ፖሊስ፡ ኣምቡላንስ...

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