
The Swedish Resettlement Programme
English/About the Migration Agency/Our mission

areas. Resettling in a third country may be the only solution for people who can neither remain in their first country of asylum nor return home. The...

ተወሳኺ ሓበሬታን ደገፍን
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / ንዓኻ ቆልዓ ኴንካ ዑቕባ ትሓትት ዘሎኻ

ኢንተርሴክስ-ፐርሾነር” መሰላት ዚሰርሕ ትካል’ዩ። እዚ ”RFSL New comers” ንናይ ስደተኛታትን ሓደስቲ-መጻእተኛን መሰል ዚሰርሕ እዩ።

Warbixin dheeraad ah iyo taageero – Wuxuu khuse­eyaa qofka carru­urta ah ee cods­a­naya magang­elyo
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / Wuxuu khuseeyaa qofka carruurta ah ee codsanaya magangelyo

shaqeeyaan magangalyo doonka iyo dadka waddanka ku cusub. (oo af ingiriis) Jacaylku waa xor...

Programindikatorer specifikt mål 4 Solidaritet
Andra aktörer / EU-fonder / ... / Programindikatorer-AMIFs riktlinjer

från European Asylum Support Office (EASO), FN:s flyktingkommissariat (UNHCR), eller annat relevant internationellt organ, av tredjelandsmedborgare...

Call us
English/Contact us

The telephone number to the Swedish Migration Agency is +46 771-235 235 (0771-235 235 within Sweden). You can find more contact information on the page Contact us.

Resi­dence permit for a parent of an unac­com­pa­nied child in Sweden
English/Private individuals/Moving to someone in Sweden

a residence permit, it is usually required that the child in Sweden has received a residence permit due to asylum reasons. Requi­re­ments for...

If you want to appeal
English/Private individuals/Moving to someone in Sweden

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

If you want to appeal
English/Private individuals/Working in Sweden

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

If you want to appeal
English / Private individuals / ... / If your application is refused

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

If you want to appeal
English/Private individuals/Studying in Sweden

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

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