
Social introduction for children from Ukraine
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

anyone who wants to know more about the asylum process and children’s rights. Social introduction for children with a residence permit under the Temporary...

New assess­ment of main­te­nance requi­re­ment when applying for a perma­nent resi­dence permit
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

permanent employment. Read about permanent residence permit for former asylum seekers and their families...

The Upper Secondary School Act will be changed on 20 December
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

Upper Secondary School Act will end on 20 January 2025. Read more about extending residence permits for former asylum seekers and their families Read more...

Changes to daily allo­wance and accom­mo­da­tion costs
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

into account when assessing your right to daily allowance and how much you have to pay for accommodation. If you are seeking asylum or have temporary...

Changes to daily allowance and accommodation costs
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

into account when assessing your right to daily allowance and how much you have to pay for accommodation. If you are seeking asylum or have temporary...

Ett år sedan Ryss­land inva­de­rade Ukraina
Om Migrationsverket/Aktuellt/Nyhetsarkiv

667 Italien: 190 354 Spanien: 164 379 Källa: European union agency for asylum, EUAA Mer statistik om sökande från Ukraina...

How the Swedish Migration Agency works with the revocation of residence permits
English/Private individuals/Moving to someone in Sweden

grounds of asylum Temporary residence permits on the grounds of connection Temporary residence permits for work Temporary residence permits for studies A...

How the Swedish Migration Agency works with the revocation of residence permits
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

revoked? The issue of revocation may be raised in connection with: Permanent residence permits Temporary residence permits on the grounds of asylum...

How the Swedish Migration Agency works with the revocation of residence permits
English/Private individuals/Studying in Sweden

revoked? The issue of revocation may be raised in connection with: Permanent residence permits Temporary residence permits on the grounds of asylum...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: how we work to revoke permits
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

granted a residence permit in Sweden on the grounds of asylum, they will first have received a status declaration: a refugee status declaration or a...

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