On 1 October, the rules for Swedish citizenship will change – for young people, for people in a vulnerable situation, and for Nordic citizens

For young people who want to be granted Swedish citizenship, requirements for living a well-behaved life are being introduced. For people in a vulnerable situation, the protection of Swedish citizenship is being strengthened. The changes for Nordic citizens have to do with the fact that in the future, notifications of citizenship will be made to the Swedish Migration Agency instead of the relevant county administrative board.

These changes will take effect immediately. From 1 October, decisions will be made according to the new rules, even in cases that have already begun. This applies both to notifications of citizenship made by young people and young adults and to applications for release from citizenship.

Appeals of cases in which a decision was made before 1 October, on the other hand, will be handled according to the previously applicable legal rules.

Cases that Nordic citizens have submitted to their relevant county administrative board before 1 October will not be transferred to the Swedish Migration Agency, but will instead be handled by the county administrative board.

The citizenship e-service will be closed on 30 September

On Monday 30 September, the citizenship e-service will be completely closed to make the updates that will apply from 1 October. If you do not want to wait until the next day to submit, notifications or applications can be made via a form.

These forms can be found here: Apply for citizenship

The notification fee will be increased

In connection with the introduction of the amendments to the law, the fee for submitting a notification of citizenship will also be increased. The new fee is SEK 475.

In the fact box below, you can read more about what the upcoming changes to the Citizenship Act mean.

Amendments to the Citizenship Act that will apply from 1 October

Changes for young people who want to become Swedish citizens

Young people and young adults apply for Swedish citizenship through so-called “notification”. In order for a person who has reached the age of 15 but who is not yet 21 to be able to obtain Swedish citizenship, the applicant must not:

  • be reasonably suspected of a crime of a more serious nature
  • have been convicted of more serious crimes or repeatedly engaged in criminal activities
  • pose a threat to Sweden’s national security or public safety
  • be associated with groups or organisations that commit abuse against other people.

It must also be made probable that the applicant’s identity is correct.

The law states that the Swedish Migration Agency must take into account the applicant’s circumstances at the time of the decision, i.e. also those that occur after the notification of citizenship has been submitted.

The new requirements do not apply to stateless young people born in Sweden, nor to Nordic citizens.

Changes for Nordic citizens who want to become Swedish citizens

Until now, Nordic citizens have been able to acquire Swedish citizenship by notification, via their local county administrative board. From 1 October, these applicants will need to contact the Swedish Migration Agency, which will take over responsibility for all citizenship cases on that date.

Changes for applicants who apply for release from citizenship

At the same time as the requirements for obtaining Swedish citizenship are increasing, the protection of citizenship is also being strengthened. From 1 October, a person can be denied release from their Swedish citizenship if there is reason to suspect that the applicant does not wish to be released.

For children, a provision is being introduced stating that a child shall not be released from their Swedish citizenship if this would be contrary to the best interests of the child. The child’s views will be taken into account in the assessment. Children aged 12 and older must also consent to their release from citizenship.

A new provision is also introduced that makes it possible to revoke a decision on release from Swedish citizenship if it appears that there were impediments to the release, for example that the release was made contrary to the applicant's will or the best interests of the child. This applies to decisions on release made after 1 October 2024.

Web pages will be updated on October 1

From 1 October, the section “Become a Swedish citizen” on this website will be updated with information and application opportunities according to the new legal rules.