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If you are seeking asylum with a parent or other custo­dian
English / Private individuals / ... / With parents

know what your family looks like, how you are doing and if anyone in the family needs special support. If you are afraid of someone or something, it is...

If you are already in Sweden and want to apply for work permit
English / Private individuals / ... / Employed

stay and work in Sweden. You also need to bring your residence permit card with you. The employer will want to know the duration of your right to work in...

Asylum inve­sti­ga­tion
English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

you must let us know. It is also important that you speak up if you do not understand the interpreter. At the asylum investigation, you will be asked...

Children seeking asylum with parents – asylum investigation
English / Private individuals / ... / With parents

investigation to your age, maturity and health. If you cannot understand a question, you must let us know. It is also important that you speak up if you do not...

For children seeking asylum – what do the words mean?
English / Private individuals / ... / Children seeking asylum

know. A residence permit means that a person has received a ‘yes’ to their application to live in Sweden. When someone lodges an appeal , this means that...

If you are an LGBTQ person who is seeking asylum
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

special knowledge of the situation of LGBTQ people if you know, or are being given help to find, such a representative. If you are under the age of 18 The...

English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

diseases include chlamydia, hepatitis, gonorrhoea and HIV. If you know that you have such a disease, you must inform the healthcare staff during your health...

English / Private individuals / ... / With parents

transmitted diseases and how to avoid infecting others. Examples of sexually transmitted diseases include chlamydia, hepatitis, gonorrhoea and HIV. If you know...

Digital passport check
English/Private individuals

pilot, some applicants can do this digitally, instead of showing their passport in person. What you need to know To do a digital passport check, you need...

Children asking for international protection Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

state authorities know about your situation? It is likely that you will be interviewed in order to be able to determine which country is responsible for...

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