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Residence permit for highly qualified persons to look for work or start a business Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form if you have completed studies that correspond to a second-cycle degree (master’s or equivalent) and want to reside in Sweden to apply for a job or to investigate the possibilities of starting a business.

Application for a residence status for a British citizen Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form to apply for residence status if you are a British citizen who is an employee, a student, self-employed or have sufficient funds for your living expenses.

Application for permanent residence status for a British citizen Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form to apply for permanent residence status if you are a British citizen.

Application for permanent residence status for a British citizen and his or her family member who has permanent right of residence or permanent residence card Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form to apply for permanent residence status if you are a British citizen or a family member of a British citizen and have been granted a certificate of permanent right of residence (British citizen) or a permanent residence card (family member of a British citizen from a third country).

Application for residence permit for citizens of Switzerland and their family members Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form if you are a citizen of Switzerland or a family member to a citizen of Switzerland and apply for residence permit in Sweden.

Certification of permanent right of residence Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

This form is for use by EU/EEA citizens. You must have lived in Sweden continuously for at least five years with right of residence in order to be eligible for permanent right of residence.

Application for permanent residence permit for doctoral studies Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form to apply for a permanent residence permit for doctoral studies in Sweden and are a citizen of a country outside of the EU/EEA and Switzerland.

Application for a residence permit to seek work on completing studies or research Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form to apply for a residence permit to seek work in Sweden after completing higher education or research.

Application for a permit to work as an au pair in Sweden Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form if you wish to come to Sweden as an au pair, staying with a host family and learning the Swedish language and taking part in Swedish culture.

Application for a residence permit for volunteers within the framework of the European Solidarity Corps Pdf, öppnas i nytt fönster. PDF

Use this form if you want to apply for a residence permit to work as a volunteer in Sweden within the framework of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) if you come from a country outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland.

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