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  • Better service helps contributes to a competitive Sweden

    On 29 January, the Swedish Migration Agency’s new way of working with work permits will be launched. Central to the new approach is a developed service for employers who recruit highly qualified workers.

    In the budget and policy specification for 2023, the Swedish Migration Agency received a mandate to promote highly qualified labour immigration to Sweden. To fulfil this mission, the Swedish Migration Agency is now introducing a new working method for handling work permit cases.

    “The new way of working aims to make it easier for companies to quickly obtain the labour they need. To succeed, we need to concentrate our efforts and focus our service offerings where they are needed most – early in the process and in a way that is highly responsive to employers’ individual needs. At the same time, to play our part in creating a fair labour market with equal terms, we must succeed in the agency’s mandate to exert control,” says Maria Mindhammar, Director-General of the Swedish Migration Agency.

    The Swedish Migration Agency will now prioritise service to employers that recruit highly qualified workers by introducing a new way of sorting applications for work permits based on occupation and industry and separating out applications that are ready for a decision. This means the agency more efficiently can identify complete applications for highly qualified workers and make faster decisions in these cases. The requirements for obtaining a work permit remain unchanged.

    Complete applications from highly qualified workers will be processed within 30 days. (For other applications, the time limit is governed by ordinances.)

    Service for employers

    To make it easier to submit complete applications, the Swedish Migration Agency offers an extra service to employers that employ highly qualified workers.

    Employers that contact the Swedish Migration Agency can get help by phone and e-mail. The service may also involve in-person meetings with employers that employ highly qualified workers.

    In addition, the Swedish Migration Agency will offer support for major establishment projects with large recruitment needs, where there is a need for clear and quick answers to ensure that applications are complete from the start.

    “We will continue to engage with industry and employer organisations to meet their information needs. The goal is to increase the proportion of complete applications”, says Maria Mindhammar.

    Read more about the services available to employers that recruit highly qualified workers.

  • The Swedish Migration Agency answers: How is it possible that children who have grown up in Sweden can be expelled?

    For obvious reasons, migration cases involving children can spark strong emotions and reactions. It can be difficult to understand and accept that an authority can make a decision to expel a child who has lived in Sweden for a long time – in this article we explain how that works and what the law actually says about children’s rights.

    Children are included in all sorts of cases handled by the Swedish Migration Agency. Our cases may involve children with different family constellations or without legal guardians, children who are already in Sweden, or children who are waiting to come here. This article will focus on children living in Sweden who have received a decision that they must leave the country.

    How can you be expelled when you have grown up in Sweden?

    Being born in Sweden or having lived here for a long time does not automatically mean that you are entitled to a residence permit. Only Swedish citizens have an absolute right to live and work in the country. A Swedish citizen can never be expelled.

    A child receives Swedish citizenship at birth if at least one of their parents is a Swedish citizen. There is a common misconception that anyone born here becomes a Swedish citizen, regardless of their parents’ citizenship – but this is not true.

    Here you can read another section of “The Swedish Migration Agency answers” that deals with citizenship

    To be granted a residence permit and thus have the right to live here, you must meet certain criteria that are primarily specified in the Aliens Act. If you do not meet the specific criteria, there are no grounds to grant a residence permit, and the Swedish Migration Agency can therefore decide that you must leave Sweden.

    There is a section in the Aliens Act that deals with residence permits on the grounds of exceptionally distressing circumstances. This means that the Swedish Migration Agency may grant a permit to a person if, in an overall assessment of the situation, it is determined that exceptionally distressing circumstances exist that mean a person should be permitted to remain in Sweden. In such a case, the Swedish Migration Agency looks at the person’s state of health, adaptation to life in Sweden, and the situation in their country of origin. A child may be granted such a residence permit even if the circumstances that come to light are not as serious and weighty as those required for a permit to be granted to an adult.

    The Convention on the Rights of the Child is Swedish law

    On 1 January 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child became Swedish law, which means that the Convention now has the same status as other Swedish laws – although Swedish authorities, courts and legislators have been obliged to take it into account since 1990, when it entered into force through so-called “ratification”. Among other things, the inclusion of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Swedish legislation means that an authority that deals with children must consider the best interests of the child, which means that they must always consider what is best for the child.

    The best interests of the child do not entail an automatic right to a residence permit

    The Swedish Migration Agency must take into account the best interests of the child in all decisions and measures concerning children. There is no clear-cut definition of the best interests of the child; what they are depends on the child’s individual situation. When the Swedish Migration Agency examines whether a child is entitled to a residence permit, the best interests of the child are ascribed a great deal of weight, but this does not mean that a child’s best interests always outweigh other grounds for a decision. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is one of several laws with which the Swedish Migration Agency must comply. It states what rights children should have, but it does not determine who can be granted a residence permit in Sweden. These rules can be found in other laws, primarily the Aliens Act. In cases concerning migration and residence permits, various interests, such as the best interests of the child and Sweden’s maintenance of regulated immigration, need to be weighed against each other. In that balancing act, the best interests of the child weigh heavily but are not decisive.

    It can be difficult to understand how a decision that goes against a child’s wishes can still be correct and in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that authorities must take into account what the child wants and assess what is best for the child, but it does not require that our decisions are always in keeping with what the child wants or what is best for the child. The Swedish Migration Agency may come to the conclusion that it would be in the best interests of the child to be granted a residence permit, but that there is still no scope for this under the Aliens Act. The authority can also make an assessment that says the opposite – that the best thing for the child would be to return to their country of origin.

    Click here to read more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child (in Swedish)

    Click here for the Aliens Act External link, opens in new window.

    Orderly reception

    For a child to be expelled from Sweden without a legal guardian, the Swedish Migration Agency must prove that their orderly reception in their country of origin has been arranged. In an orderly reception, it is primarily the child’s family and relatives, who receive them. In the alternative, they may be received by social services in the child’s country of origin, such as a children’s home or foster home. In some countries, the Swedish Migration Agency cannot ensure orderly reception via the authorities. A common question is how an orphanage can be considered to provide an orderly reception and be better than a home in Sweden – the answer is that the legislation is not designed to make the child’s life in their country of origin better or as good as in Sweden. Rather, it aims to ensure that their reception is sufficiently safe and secure.

    A decision can be appealed

    If you do not accept the Swedish Migration Agency’s decision, you have the right to appeal to a higher court. The appeal must be submitted to the Swedish Migration Agency, which starts by deciding whether or not the decision should be changed, after which the appeal is submitted to the Migration Court, which takes a position on the matter.

    If you are dissatisfied with the ruling of the Migration Court, you can appeal to the third and final instance: The Migration Court of Appeal. However, it is quite unusual for the Migration Court of Appeal to take up a case.

    In situations in which a case is granted a review by the Migration Court of Appeal, its judgment will guide the decisions of the Swedish Migration Agency and the Migration Courts in similar cases.

    Children’s cases brought before the Migration Court of Appeal

    As previously mentioned, a residence permit can be granted on the grounds of exceptionally distressing circumstances. Until 1 December 2023, it was also possible to be granted a residence permit if the circumstances were particularly distressing. Several such cases have been brought before the Migration Court of Appeal and thus serve as guidance for the Swedish Migration Agency.

    One example of a case that deals with a child’s adaptation to life in Sweden is MIG 2020:24. In that case, a minor child was granted a residence permit on the grounds of particularly distressing circumstances, and their expulsion was considered to violate the Convention on the Rights of the Child, i.e., it would entail a risk of a so-called breach of Convention. This judgment indicates that factors that may be important for the child’s adaptation to life in Sweden include their age, maturity, schooling, social relationships outside the family, knowledge of the Swedish language, and whether the child has lived in Sweden during their formative years.

    Although MIG 2020:24 applies to particularly distressing circumstances, the judgment can provide guidance on the question of what may constitute a breach of Convention within the framework of exceptionally distressing circumstances.

    Click here to read MIG 2020:24 External link, opens in new window.

    Is the child’s case affected by their placement in foster care or assignment of a specially appointed legal guardian?

    In cases involving children, the Swedish Migration Agency examines the issue of residence permits. The fact that a child lives in a foster home or has been assigned a specially appointed legal guardian in Sweden is not always a basis for a residence permit in itself, but it is taken into account in the assessment of their case.

    The Swedish Migration Agency’s cooperation with other actors

    The authority that makes a decision concerning a child is responsible for ensuring that the best interests of the child are examined. When the Swedish Migration Agency makes such an assessment in a case, several different sources may provide relevant information, e.g., the child themselves, the Social Welfare Board, or other actors. In other words, the Swedish Migration Agency takes into account the perception of several actors about what is in the best interests of the child – but ultimately makes its own, overall assessment. The Swedish Migration Agency can also help to ensure that another authority makes a correct assessment of the best interests of the child.


    Chart of the number of citizenship cases received in 2022Zoom image

    Press to enlarge.

    Over the past three years, the number of return cases involving children that concluded with voluntary departure has remained about the same. In 2021, a total of 7,249 return cases ended with voluntary departure, of which 1,221 involved children. In 2022, 6,458 departed voluntarily, and 1,186 of these cases involved children. Last year, 6,833 people left the country voluntarily, including 1,287 children.

    “Child” refers to both a child with a family and a child without a legal guardian.

  • A new way to serve deci­sions in asylum cases from 1 March

    Nytt sätt att delge beslut i asylä­renden från 1 mars – engelska

    Until now, the Swedish Migration Agency has notified (served) decisions in asylum cases during a meeting at the authority’s offices. Now that procedure is changing. As of 1 March, people who have applied for protection in Sweden can instead receive a decision in their case in an official letter sent via post.

    – The reason for this change is that the Swedish Migration Agency currently makes decisions that do not always gain the force of law, i.e., take effect. This is because, in some cases, we cannot reach the applicant to inform them of the decision. By changing the procedure, we will be able to reach more applicants with our decision notifications, and this will allow more decisions to take effect, explains Process Manager Magnus Bengtsson.

    From 1 March, it will be possible to issue decisions in asylum cases through a process known as “simplified service”. This means that the decision is sent by post to the applicant. On the next business day, a new letter containing a verification message will be sent. The applicant is considered to have been notified of the decision (have been served) two weeks after it was sent out by post.

    Once these two weeks have passed, the applicant has three weeks to appeal the decision. If the decision is not appealed, it takes effect (gains the force of law) and can be implemented (enforced). This means that when the Swedish Migration Agency uses simplified service, the decision takes effect five weeks after it was sent.

    If the decision is a rejection and the applicant has been given a deadline by which to leave Sweden voluntarily, the time limit begins to run from the date on which the decision takes effect. If the applicant has not been given a deadline, they lose their right to accommodation and financial support under the Act on Reception of Asylum Seekers (LMA) on that same day.

    Applicants will still be called to a meeting

    Just like today, the Swedish Migration Agency will summon each applicant to a meeting at the agency’s offices, to receive information about the decision in a language that they understand. The difference compared to before is that the applicant is considered to have received the decision, regardless of whether they attend this meeting.

    The Swedish Migration Agency already uses simplified service, for example in decisions regarding the Act on Reception of Asylum Seekers (LMA) and in extension cases.

  • The Swedish Migra­tion Agency answers: how a resi­dence permit for studies work

    In recent years, the number of people from other countries who want to study in Sweden has increased. Which countries are the students from? And how long do they have to wait for a decision on a residence permit? In this article, we explain what applies to those who want to study higher education in Sweden.

    Anyone who comes from a country outside the EU/EEA and wants to study in Sweden for more than three months needs to apply for a residence permit for that. The permit must be issued before you enter the country.

    Nearly 21,000 people were granted residence permits for studies in 2023. Nearly three-quarters, or around 14,000, of them were permits for higher education studies. The others concerned studies at other levels, as well as residence permits for accompanying family members of students.

    Since higher education studies account for the largest part of residence permits in the category of studies, this article focuses on that.

    Increase in foreign students since the pandemic

    Last year, approximately 8,900 people were granted a first-time residence permit for higher education studies*. This is more than in 2022 and 2021, and an increase of over fifty percent compared to 2020. That year, the number of permits granted dropped significantly as a result of the pandemic. In 2019, the number of residence permits granted was just over 9,800 – around 900 more than in the previous year.

    The number of granted residence permits for studies in higher education 2019–2023.Zoom image

    The number of granted residence permits for studies in higher education 2019–2023.

    The top five nationalities of those granted residence permits for higher education studies in 2023.Zoom image

    The top five nationalities of those granted residence permits for higher education studies in 2023.

    The number of women and men respectively who were granted a residence permit for studies in higher education in 2023.Zoom image

    The number of women and men respectively who were granted a residence permit for studies in higher education in 2023.

    China was the most common citizenship among those granted permits in 2023, followed by India. This was followed by the United States, Sri Lanka and Singapore. Nearly 54 percent of those who were granted residence permits were women and almost 46 percent men.

    More than 2,500 people were granted residence permits as accompanying family members of students last year. This is less than in 2022, when 2,913 people were granted such a residence permit.

    Requirements for obtaining a residence permit

    The rules for studying in Sweden vary depending on whether you come from a country within the EU/EEA, or from another country in Europe or the world. These are people from countries outside the EU/EEA who need to apply for a residence permit to study in Sweden.

    In order to be granted a residence permit for studies in higher education, you must have been admitted to a programme or course at a university or college in Sweden, and the education must require physical presence. The studies should, as a general rule, be full-time.

    The applicant must also have paid the tuition fees that apply to citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA. In addition, you must be able to support yourself during the period of validity of your residence permit.

    EU citizens do not need a residence permit

    Citizens of countries within the EU/EEA have a so-called right of residence in Sweden. This means that they do not need a residence permit to study here, nor do they pay any fees for their studies.

    As an EU/EEA citizen, you have the right to start studying immediately after arriving in Sweden and do not need to contact the Swedish Migration Agency. Upon entry into the country, a valid passport or identity card showing one's citizenship is required. To register here and obtain a Swedish personal identity number, the student needs to contact the Swedish Tax Agency.

    How long is the processing time?

    The majority of foreign students who apply for a residence permit for higher education studies receive their permits before the start of the semester. According to the regulations, the Swedish Migration Agency must process this type of case within 90 days of the application being received. In 2023, the average processing time for first-time applications for residence permits for first-cycle and second-cycle higher education studies was 64 days.

    However, the length of the processing time varies. It depends, among other things, on how much the Swedish Migration Agency needs to investigate the case and whether additional information is needed.

    Although the Swedish Migration Agency strives to ensure that all students receive their decisions on time, the agency may not be able to make a decision before the semester begins. In some cases, the student can, in agreement with the university, start their studies a little bit later, but there is also the risk that they will lose their study place. To minimise this risk, the Swedish Migration Agency has produced a guide with tips that increase the chance of a decision before the start of the semester, such as ensuring that you have gathered all the documents needed.

    Click here to read the tips

    How to prevent abuse of residence permits

    The Swedish Migration Agency has discovered that there is abuse of residence permits for studies, among other things in a report from 2022. In order to counteract the abuse, in-depth investigations are carried out on applications where there are indications that the applicant does not intend to study in Sweden. These in-depth checks have increased in number, and may result in a slightly longer processing time for certain programmes.

    The Swedish Migration Agency and the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF) have also, individually or together, implemented or submitted proposals for several measures to counteract the abuse of residence permits. These include increased language requirements, the development of the assessment of study intentions and the establishment of a common model for all higher education institutions for reporting non-completion of studies.

    Working during your studies

    In Sweden, unlike in many other EU countries, there is no upper limit for how much a foreign student is allowed to work alongside his or her studies. Students can also, after they have taken 30 credits, or completed one semester of study, apply for a work permit without having to leave Sweden. In 2023, approximately 1,700 former students were granted work permits.

    After graduation

    The number of granted residence permits to look for work after studies 2019–2023.Zoom image

    The number of granted residence permits to look for work after studies 2019–2023.

    A person who has studied a higher education in Sweden can, after completing their studies, apply for a residence permit to look for work or start their own business here. In 2023, approximately 1,300 people were granted such a residence permit.

    It is also possible to apply for a residence permit for doctoral studies if you are going to study at doctoral level for a period longer than three months. Residence permits for doctoral studies are granted for up to four years at a time.

    The main rule is that the permit must be applied for and granted before coming to Sweden. A person who already has a residence permit and intends to continue studying after the permit expires can apply for an extension. You do not need to leave Sweden to apply, as long as the application is submitted before the previous permit expires.

    *Refers to studies at undergraduate and graduate levels (not doctoral studies)

  • New survey on how people from Ukraine see their future

    On behalf of the government, The Swedish Migration Agency will send out a survey to adult persons holding residence permits under the Temporary Protection Directive. The survey is conducted for the second time and the purpose is to gain more knowledge on how persons from Ukraine see their future.

    Last year, the Swedish government asked the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to conduct a survey among persons that have left Ukraine to seek protection in Sweden about their life here. The purpose of the survey was to better understand the needs and plans for the future for this group, as well as to learn about the main challenges they may have experienced since they arrived in Sweden.

    One year later, the government of Sweden has now asked IOM to conduct a second survey in order to understand how the needs of this group change over time. As of last year, The Swedish Migration Agency has been given the task to send out the survey.

    The survey will be sent out in week 17 to all adults (18 years and older) who have a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive in Sweden. The survey will be sent to the e-mail address the persons provided when they registered for temporary protection.

    Participation in the survey is voluntary, and neither The Swedish Migration Agency nor the IOM will be able to see who answers it.

    Read the report from last year’s survey on the IOM website External link, opens in new window.

  • Employees and students can show their passports to the Migration Agency on their mobile phones

    The Swedish Migration Agency is launching a pilot for digital passport check to make it easier to apply for a residence permit. Students and workers from 22 countries and territories are the first to be able to use the identification app Freja to show their passports.

    ‘Some applicants will now be able to download an app, scan their passport and perform facial recognition to identify themselves for their residence permit applications for studies and work,’ says Fredrik Larsson, an specialist at the Swedish Migration Agency's Unit for Foreign Operations.

    The Swedish Migration Agency is at the forefront of technology from a global perspective when the first offers of digital passport checks are sent out in the last week of May.

    The Digital Passport Check e-service has been developed so that visa-free students and workers can avoid time-consuming and sometimes expensive journeys to a Swedish mission abroad. It also saves money and time for the missions abroad, and is good for the environment.

    ‘The whole aim of the project has been to make it easier for applicants. Since it became a requirement to show your passport during a personal visit, more people have been forced to visit a mission abroad, which may be in another country,’ says Fredrik Larsson.

    The offer of a digital passport check is sent out in the form of an automated email within a couple of days of an online application for a work or study permit. The email contains a personalised link to the e-service that is valid for one week, and the short response time is important in order not to delay processing.

    In connection with the launch, the Swedish Migration Agency will also send the offer to all persons - covered by the pilot - who have made an application in 2024 but have not yet shown their passport.

    The passport check is done with the help of Freja eID Group AB, which offers functions for reviewing and transmitting passport information to Swedish authorities.

    Using the Freja app will also be a first step in creating an e-ID that other authorities can rely on during the application process. Once the user has obtained a Swedish personal identity number or coordination number, it can be updated to a full Swedish e-ID.

    Around 19,000 workers and 5,000 students are expected to benefit from the new digital passport check service every year based on statistics on the 22 countries and territories in 2023.

    22 countries and territories in the digital passport check pilot























    Update 2024-05-30: Hong Kong has been removed from the list, as it turned out the technical solution The Swedish Migration Agency is currently testing can not recognize passports from persons living there.

  • Stricter requi­re­ments for young people and stronger protection for people in a vulnerable situation when the rules for Swedish citi­zenship change

    On 29 May, the Swedish Parliament decided to tighten the rules of the Citizenship Act. From 1 October, young people who apply for Swedish citizenship will be required to meet requirements concerning an orderly life. At the same time, vulnerable children and adults will gain stronger protection of their Swedish citizenship.

    This autumn, new requirements will be introduced for young people who apply for Swedish citizenship. Starting on 1 October, in order for a person between the ages of 15 and 21 to be granted citizenship, the applicant must not:

    • be suspected of a crime of a more serious nature
    • have been convicted of more serious crimes or repeatedly engaged in criminal activities
    • be a threat to Sweden’s national security or public safety
    • be associated with groups or organisations that commit abuse against other people.

    Amend­ments concer­ning release from Swedish citi­zenship

    The second major amendment to the Citizenship Act aims to strengthen protection of the citizenship of people in a vulnerable situation. Under this amendment, a person can be denied release from their Swedish citizenship if there is reason to suspect that the applicant does not wish to be released.

    For children, a provision is being introduced stating that a child shall not be released from their Swedish citizenship if this would be contrary to the best interests of the child. The child’s views will be taken into account in the assessment. Children aged 12 and older must also consent to their release from citizenship.

    The Swedish Migra­tion Agency will be respon­sible for all citi­zenship cases

    Until now, Nordic citizens have been able to acquire Swedish citizenship by notification, via their local county administrative board. From 1 October, these applicants will need to contact the Swedish Migration Agency, which will take over responsibility for all citizenship cases on that date.

    How the agency will be affected by the legislative amendments

    The Swedish Migration Agency is currently preparing its operations for these legislative amendments.

    “One of the major changes is that we will be taking over the processing of notifications from Nordic residents from the county administrative boards. According to a forecast based on the boards’ data from previous years, that will mean an average of about 3,000 such cases per year. We need to be equipped to handle that influx,” says Merima Ilijasevic, acting Head of Section at the Swedish Migration Agency.

    The second major amendment concerns the requirement of an orderly life.

    “The Swedish Migration Agency has been calling for a change to the legislation on young people for many years. Now it’s finally happening, and we think it’s a really valuable step,” explains Merima Ilijasevic.

    Click here to read about the amendments to the Citizenship Act (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.

    Different ways to acquire citizenship

    A person can acquire Swedish citizenship through:

    • birth
    • adoption
    • application (for adults)
    • notification (for children and young adults).

    It is the rules for notification that are now being tightened.

    Click here to read more about becoming a Swedish citizen.

  • Layoffs at Northvolt affect a large number of people with work permits

    Northvolt has announced layoffs that will affect a large number of people from third countries who have been granted work permits in Sweden.
    – The Swedish Migration Agency is currently in dialogue with the company and has informed them about the legislation that applies in such situations, says Acting Deputy Regional Director Ulrika Ekebjär.

    Many of those affected by the layoffs are in Sweden with a work permit that was granted on the basis of their employment by Northvolt. If the employment on which a permit is based is terminated, in practical terms this means that there are no longer any grounds for granting a residence permit. This means that the permit can be revoked.

    “As a national authority, it is necessary to have this dialogue with Northvolt, because their layoffs may involve employees whose cases we have previously handled – and which we will need to re-examine if they are laid off," explains Ulrika Ekebjär.

    Northvolt employees affected by the layoffs who want to continue working in Sweden have three months to find a new job before their work permit is revoked.

    If they find a new job, they must apply for a new permit for it. If they apply before their previous permit expires, they can continue to work awaiting the new decision. Any family member with a valid permit on the basis of their ties to a former Northvolt employee may also remain in Sweden for as long as the ex-employee is allowed to remain here and has a valid permit.

    Click here for more information about what applies when employment is terminated

  • On 1 October, the rules for Swedish citizenship will change – for young people, for people in a vulnerable situation, and for Nordic citizens

    For young people who want to be granted Swedish citizenship, requirements for living a well-behaved life are being introduced. For people in a vulnerable situation, the protection of Swedish citizenship is being strengthened. The changes for Nordic citizens have to do with the fact that in the future, notifications of citizenship will be made to the Swedish Migration Agency instead of the relevant county administrative board.

    These changes will take effect immediately. From 1 October, decisions will be made according to the new rules, even in cases that have already begun. This applies both to notifications of citizenship made by young people and young adults and to applications for release from citizenship.

    Appeals of cases in which a decision was made before 1 October, on the other hand, will be handled according to the previously applicable legal rules.

    Cases that Nordic citizens have submitted to their relevant county administrative board before 1 October will not be transferred to the Swedish Migration Agency, but will instead be handled by the county administrative board.

    The citizenship e-service will be closed on 30 September

    On Monday 30 September, the citizenship e-service will be completely closed to make the updates that will apply from 1 October. If you do not want to wait until the next day to submit, notifications or applications can be made via a form.

    These forms can be found here: Apply for citizenship

    The notification fee will be increased

    In connection with the introduction of the amendments to the law, the fee for submitting a notification of citizenship will also be increased. The new fee is SEK 475.

    In the fact box below, you can read more about what the upcoming changes to the Citizenship Act mean.

    Amendments to the Citizenship Act that will apply from 1 October

    Changes for young people who want to become Swedish citizens

    Young people and young adults apply for Swedish citizenship through so-called “notification”. In order for a person who has reached the age of 15 but who is not yet 21 to be able to obtain Swedish citizenship, the applicant must not:

    • be reasonably suspected of a crime of a more serious nature
    • have been convicted of more serious crimes or repeatedly engaged in criminal activities
    • pose a threat to Sweden’s national security or public safety
    • be associated with groups or organisations that commit abuse against other people.

    It must also be made probable that the applicant’s identity is correct.

    The law states that the Swedish Migration Agency must take into account the applicant’s circumstances at the time of the decision, i.e. also those that occur after the notification of citizenship has been submitted.

    The new requirements do not apply to stateless young people born in Sweden, nor to Nordic citizens.

    Changes for Nordic citizens who want to become Swedish citizens

    Until now, Nordic citizens have been able to acquire Swedish citizenship by notification, via their local county administrative board. From 1 October, these applicants will need to contact the Swedish Migration Agency, which will take over responsibility for all citizenship cases on that date.

    Changes for applicants who apply for release from citizenship

    At the same time as the requirements for obtaining Swedish citizenship are increasing, the protection of citizenship is also being strengthened. From 1 October, a person can be denied release from their Swedish citizenship if there is reason to suspect that the applicant does not wish to be released.

    For children, a provision is being introduced stating that a child shall not be released from their Swedish citizenship if this would be contrary to the best interests of the child. The child’s views will be taken into account in the assessment. Children aged 12 and older must also consent to their release from citizenship.

    A new provision is also introduced that makes it possible to revoke a decision on release from Swedish citizenship if it appears that there were impediments to the release, for example that the release was made contrary to the applicant's will or the best interests of the child. This applies to decisions on release made after 1 October 2024.

    Web pages will be updated on October 1

    From 1 October, the section “Become a Swedish citizen” on this website will be updated with information and application opportunities according to the new legal rules.

  • Resi­dents of Lebanon need continue to travel to other countries to visit the Swedish Embassy

    The embassy office in Beirut has opened for visitors again, but due to the security situation, the embassy’s activities remain restricted.

    There are still no on-site migration activities in Beirut. Those wishing to apply for a visa or a residence permit are referred to other embassies or consulate general in the region.

    Visa appli­ca­tions

    Residents of Lebanon who need to apply for a visa for a visit of up to 90 days are referred to VFS Global in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt or Türkiye.

    VFS Global is an external service provider that receives applications for Schengen visas, but it is the Swedish embassy or consulate general in these countries that decides on the visa.

    Read more about VFS Global External link, opens in new window.

    Resi­dence and work permit cases

    Cases concerning work permits, residence permits for studies or residence permits to live with a family member in Sweden are referred to the embassy in Amman, Jordan. Exceptions are stateless Palestinians living in Lebanon who should contact the Swedish Embassy in Cairo or the Consulate General in Istanbul.

    Find contact information for Swedish embassies and consulates general at www.swedenabroad.se External link, opens in new window.

    Those who have been in contact with the embassy in Beirut and are waiting for a residence permit card to be able to move to Sweden will be contacted to get information about their card.

  • Digital passport check has saved the equivalent of 86 trips around the world

    To make it easier for people applying for a residence permit, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a pilot for digital passport check in May. More than 5,100 people have taken advantage of the opportunity and during the first hundred days, the service has saved the equivalent of 86 trips around the world.

    “We are now focusing on how we can further develop the digital passport control and give more groups access to it”, says Fredrik Larsson, expert at the Swedish Migration Agency.

    To apply for most types of residence permits, you need to show your passport before the Migration Agency can make a decision. This usually requires an in-person visit to a Swedish mission abroad - sometimes in another country.

    However, at the end of May, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a pilot project for digital passport check, which means that some people now do not have to travel to show their passport. At present, the digital passport check is open to visa-exempt persons from 22 countries and territories, who apply for a residence permit to study or work in Sweden.

    So far, more than 5,100 people have taken advantage of the digital passport check e-service. In the first 100 days, the service has saved almost 3.5 million kilometres of travel - equivalent to 86 laps around the world*.

    “It is encouraging that we can already see such clear results from the new e-service. Usage varies by country and has been slightly lower for work permit applications. But almost 80% of those who applied for a residence permit for studies and could use the e-service have done so,” says Fredrik Larsson.

    The service will be further developed

    Work is now underway to further develop the digital passport check e-service so that more people can access it. The aim is also to make the e-service even easier to use.

    “In the long term, we also hope to integrate passport check into the Swedish Migration Agency's e-services, so that people can use it to identify themselves when applying for a residence permit. In addition to better service, such measures could help to increase security and prevent abuse,” says Fredrik Larsson.

    Facts: How the digital passport check works

    • The passport check is carried out using Freja eID, which offers functions for reviewing and transmitting passport information.
    • The person who is going to use the e-service downloads an app, and can use it to scan their passport and perform facial recognition, and then share the passport information digitally with the Swedish Migration Agency.
    • The offer of digital passport check is sent out in the form of an automated email to visa-exempt persons within a few days of an online application for a work permit or residence permit for studies.
    • The email contains a personalized link to the e-service that is valid for one week. The short response time is important in order not to delay the processing.
    • Around 19,000 workers and 5,000 students from the 22 visa-free countries/territories are estimated to benefit from the new digital passport check e-service every year.

    Read more about the digital passport check and see which countries and territories are currently covered

    *The calculation is based on the round-trip distance between the person's place of residence and the relevant embassy/nearest service center in Sweden.

  • Decision on the new Blue Card Directive

    The Riksdag has decided to implement the EU's new Blue Card Directive. The aim of this change is to increase the opportunities to attract and retain highly skilled workers and to facilitate the mobility of these people within the EU.

    An EU Blue Card is a combined residence and work permit for people from outside the EU who have an employment contract for a highly qualified job in Sweden. The Riksdag has now decided to implement the EU’s new Blue Card Directive in Swedish law, which will enter into force on 1 January 2025.

    – Today, this is a relatively small case-law at the Swedish Migration Agency. It is a matter of around 1,300* cases since 2021,” says Susanna Fonsell, Head of Unit Migration Law Unit.

    The new legislation means, among other things, that the salary threshold is reduced from 1.5 times to 1.25 times the average gross annual salary in Sweden. Furthermore, it will also be possible to switch to other highly qualified employment without applying for a new EU Blue Card.

    – The change aims to attract and retain highly skilled workers by giving more opportunities and at the same time making it easier to apply for an EU Blue Card, which can lead to an increase in the number of cases,” says Susanna Fonsell.

    In summary, the new Directive entails:

    • The salary threshold is reduced from 1.5 times to 1.25 times the average gross annual salary in Sweden.
    • The requirement for a period of employment is reduced from 1 year to 6 months.
    • More categories of persons will be granted an EU Blue Card.
    • Possibility of switching to another highly qualified employment without applying for a new EU Blue Card. Instead, a notification of new work or other changes that affect the conditions must be reported to the Swedish Migration Agency.
    • The possibility of switching from other types of residence permits to EU Blue Cards without having to leave the country is extended. Anyone who has had an EU Blue Card in another EU state for at least twelve months may, under certain conditions, apply for an EU Blue Card in Sweden with a slightly simplified procedure.

    Decision of the Riksdag: Implementation of the new Blue Card Directive External link, opens in new window.

    *Number of cases settled between 2021-2024, application for EU Blue Card and accompanying family members.

    What is an EU Blue Card?

    An EU Blue Card issued by Sweden gives a person the right to live and work in Sweden. An EU Blue Card can be granted to those who have a highly qualified employment in Sweden and have a salary that meets the salary threshold. An employment is highly qualified if it assumes that the employee has relevant and special competence for it in the form of completed studies corresponding to 180 credits or five years of professional experience in the profession or industry to which the employment relates.

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