
Extending a residence permit
English/Private individuals

permit before your temporary residence permit runs out. Read more on the pages that apply to you: If you have applied for asylum and received a tempo­rary...

Permanent residence permit
English/Private individuals

upper secondary level You are a former asylum seeker or family member to a former asylum seeker A perma­nent resi­dence permit can be revoked If you have...

I’m in the Dublin procedure – what does this mean? Pdf. PDF

the Dublin procedure – what does this mean?” EN 2 You have been given this leaflet because you requested international protection (asylum) in this...

If your appli­ca­tion has been rejected
English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

If your application has been rejected Rejection means that you have received a NO to your application for asylum. If you have been rejected, you have...

Cash support for reestablishment
English / Private individuals / ... / Support for re-establishment

application for asylum rejected, or if you have withdrawn your application for asylum in Sweden intend to return of your own accord to a country where there is...

If you are granted a resi­dence permit
English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

If you are granted a residence permit Residence permit means that you have received a YES to your application for asylum. You are allowed to stay in...

Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive
English/Private individuals

Temporary Protection Directive, as well as for accommodation and financial support. 2023-12-22 Asylum seekers from Ukraine can be granted temporary protection...

Your rights
English / Private individuals / ... / With parents

Your rights In Sweden, you are considered to be a child until you turn 18. Asylum-seeking children have the same rights as all children in Sweden...

English / Private individuals / ... / With parents

There are two forms of financial support to apply for: daily allowance and special allowance. Daily allowance All asylum seekers who do not have any money...

English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

Finances When you apply for asylum in Sweden you have the opportunity to apply for financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency if you do not...

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