
Apply online to extend a residence permit to live with someone in Sweden
English / Private individuals / ... / Extending a permit

Apply online to extend a residence permit to live with someone in Sweden If your family member previously applied for asylum Do not use this online...

When you turn 18
English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

help as an unaccompanied minor, and your application must be examined according to the same rules as an adult asylum seeker. Shortly before you turn 18...

English / Private individuals / ... / While you are waiting for a decision

Accommodation If you have no place to live while you wait for a decision on your asylum case, the Swedish Migration Agency can help you. You can also...

Tell us who you are
English / Private individuals / ... / Applying for asylum

Tell us who you are For the Swedish Migration Agency to be able to assess whether you have the right to asylum, you need to show who you are and...

If you are allowed to stay
English / Private individuals / ... / After a decision on your application for asylum

If you are allowed to stay If you have applied for asylum and have been granted a residence permit, you have the right to live and work in Sweden. On...

English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

Accommodation The municipality is responsible for arranging accommodation that suits you and your needs. When you apply for asylum, the Swedish...

لك أنت، طفل وقد تقدّمت بطلب اللجوء Pdf. PDF

barn som har sökt asyl Svenska Information for children who have applied for asylum Dari برای شام کسانی که کودک هستید و درخواست پناهندگی منوده اید Para...

برای شما کسانی که کودک هستید و درخواست پناهندگی نموده اید Pdf. PDF

دانسنت آن مفید است، را بخوانید Information for barn som har sökt asyl Svenska Information for children who have applied for asylum Spanska Para niños que...

Waxaa loogu talagalay qofka carruurta ah Pdf. PDF

have applied for asylum Engelska Para niños que han solicitado asilo Spanska ንዓኻ ቆልዓ ዄንካ ዑቕባ ንምርካብ ኣመልኪትካ ዘሎኻ Tigrinska...

Para niños que han solicitado asilo Pdf. PDF

طفل وقد تقّدمت بطلب اللجوء Arabiska برای شام کسانی که کودک هستید و درخواست پناهندگی منوده اید Dari Information for children who have applied for asylum...

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