
Exten­ding a resi­dence permit for former asylum seekers and their fami­lies
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

residence permit, you must apply for an extension of your residence permit if you want to stay in Sweden. This also applies if you are a family member of a...

Application for a residence permit for a child who has been, or will be, adopted – Adoption not mediated by a Swedish adoption organisation Pdf. PDF

Use this form to apply for a permit for a child under the age of 18 who is to be, or has been, adopted, and where the adoption is not mediated by an authorized Swedish adoption organisation and/or under the Hague Convention.

Children in the asylum process
English / Private individuals / ... / Applying for asylum

say According to Swedish law the Migration Agency has to specifically consider a child’s best interests. All children have the right to have their say...

Invitation – Before application for Schengen visa Pdf. PDF

Use this form if you wish to invite a relative or friend to visit you for maximum 90 days in a period of 180 days.

How to apply for asylum. For children who are applying for asylum with a parent or other guardian Pdf. PDF

your family are at. The Swedish Migration Agency is the authority in Sweden that considers applications from people applying for asylum. The Migration...

Invitation for visiting longer than 90 days Pdf. PDF

Use this form if you wish to invite a relative or friend to visit you in Sweden for longer than 90 days.

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: this is how it works when we process cases where LGBTQI is grounds for protection
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

we make such an assessment and what does the law say? This is explained in this part of The Swedish Migration Agency answers. Being an LGBTQI person...

Everyday life
Privatpersoner/Skydd och asyl i Sverige/Resettlement

rules that apply in traffic, for example that you drive on the right side of the road (right-hand traffic). By law, the bicycle must have lights and...

Klassningskoder Pdf. PDF

kap. 1 a § 5 st UtlL Aktiva koder 3 Anknytning Family ties Kod Klartext Lagrum Code Description Paragraph BB Barn fött i Sverige Child born in Sweden 5...

Application for a residence status for a British citizen Pdf. PDF

Use this form to apply for residence status if you are a British citizen who is an employee, a student, self-employed or have sufficient funds for your living expenses.

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