
If you are seeking asylum with a parent or other custo­dian
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / لك، أنت من يطلب الّلجوء مع أحد الوالدين أو وصي آخر

والحصول على دعم. لديهم أيضًا شبكة للأشخاص الجدد في السويد،, RFSL Newcomers (باللغة الإنكليزية).

For those seeking asylum with a parent or other legal guar­dian
English / Private individuals / ... / Children seeking asylum

For those seeking asylum with a parent or other legal guardian This information is for children who have come to Sweden together with their family to...

If you are seeking asylum with a parent or other custo­dian
English / Private individuals / ... / With parents

For those seeking asylum with a parent or other legal guar­dian This information is for children who have come to Sweden together with their family...

For those seeking asylum without a parent or other legal guar­dian
English / Private individuals / ... / Children seeking asylum

For those seeking asylum without a parent or other legal guardian This information is for those who have arrived without their parents and has...

If you are seeking asylum without a parent or other custo­dian
English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

For those seeking asylum without a parent or other legal guar­dian This information is for those who have arrived without their parents and has...

For adults that are impor­tant to a child who has sought asylum
English / Private individuals / ... / Children seeking asylum

For adults that are important to a child who has sought asylum Fleeing your home and seeking asylum in another country can be a frightening...

Asylum seekers from Ukraine can be granted temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

Asylum seekers from Ukraine can be granted temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive The Government has decided that more people...

You cannot choose the country where your application for asylum is examined (the Dublin Regulation)
English / Private individuals / ... / Applying for asylum

The country that will examine your request is determined through a process established by a European Union law known as the ‘Dublin’ Regulation. According to this law, only one country is responsible for examining your request.

Asylum seekers from Ukraine can be granted temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

Asylum seekers from Ukraine can be granted temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive The Government has decided that more people...

Exten­ding a resi­dence permit for former asylum seekers and their fami­lies
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

Exten­ding a resi­dence permit for former asylum seekers and their families If you have previously applied for asylum and were granted a temporary...

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