
Internationell samverkan
Om Migrationsverket/EU och internationellt

Asylum and Refugees (IGC) är ett informellt forum där tjänstemän i olika länder kan diskutera och utbyta information om frågor som rör asyl och migration...

Different reasons for seeking a residence permit
English/About the Migration Agency/Our mission

have allowances for the planned study period. Residence permits for studying in Sweden Resi­dence permits for seeking protec­tion (asylum) Those who are...

Internationellt utvecklingssamarbete
Om Migrationsverket/EU och internationellt

Om förstudien leder till ett projekt kommer det att inledas under 2022. Twinning Serbien "Support to strengthening migration management and asylum system in...

Ett år sedan Ryss­land inva­de­rade Ukraina
Om Migrationsverket/Pressrum/Nyhetsarkiv

667 Italien: 190 354 Spanien: 164 379 Källa: European union agency for asylum, EUAA Mer statistik om sökande från Ukraina...

Más infor­ma­ción y apoyo
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / Para niños que han soli­ci­tado asilo

/asylum-and-migration/newcomers-contacts (en inglés) Kärleken är fri (El amor es libre) es un chat de apoyo a jóvenes víctimas de violencia y opresión por...

Our mission to prevent violence
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / Human Rights

Sweden, both for asylum seekers and for other applicants, such as those who are in Sweden due to connection with family members. We are also working to...

The Swedish Resettlement Programme
English/About the Migration Agency/Our mission

areas. Resettling in a third country may be the only solution for people who can neither remain in their first country of asylum nor return home. The...

ተወሳኺ ሓበሬታን ደገፍን
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / ንዓኻ ቆልዓ ኴንካ ዑቕባ ትሓትት ዘሎኻ

ኢንተርሴክስ-ፐርሾነር” መሰላት ዚሰርሕ ትካል’ዩ። እዚ ”RFSL New comers” ንናይ ስደተኛታትን ሓደስቲ-መጻእተኛን መሰል ዚሰርሕ እዩ።

Warbixin dheeraad ah iyo taageero – Wuxuu khuse­eyaa qofka carru­urta ah ee cods­a­naya magang­elyo
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / Wuxuu khuseeyaa qofka carruurta ah ee codsanaya magangelyo

shaqeeyaan magangalyo doonka iyo dadka waddanka ku cusub. (oo af ingiriis) Jacaylku waa xor...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: how we work to revoke permits
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

granted a residence permit in Sweden on the grounds of asylum, they will first have received a status declaration: a refugee status declaration or a...

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