
The Swedish Migration Agency answers: Who comes to Sweden – and why?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

million asylum seekers came to Sweden, which led to temporary border controls and stricter migration legislation. After that, the number of asylum seekers...

Our mission
English/About the Migration Agency

for food to asylum seekers, while they wait for a decision in their asylum case. We also assign unaccompanied children to a municipality, which then...

Site map
English/About the Migration Agency/About the website

permit Asylum seekers who have a job Students who have a job Visiting an employer Entry visa for business trip Self-employment Look for work or start a...

Om Migrationsverket/EU och internationellt

är EUAA, eu-LISA och Frontex. EUAA EUAA, European Union Agency for Asylum, ska förbättra det praktiska genomförandet av gemensamma regler på asylområdet...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: this is how it works when we process cases where LGBTQI is grounds for protection
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

can play a role in asylum cases The Swedish Migration Agency handles many different types of cases – including residence permits on the basis of work...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: what financial support is given to people seeking protection in Sweden?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

answers. Please note that parts of this text concerning accommodation for asylum seekers may be affected by future changes. Click here for more information...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: How is the Swedish Migration Agency monitoring the world around us?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

groups – country of origin information analysts and migration intelligence analysts . Country of origin information analysts – crucial for asylum...

Our organisation
English/About the Migration Agency

permits is divided into three main processes: Asylum, Permits and Service. Under these main processes there are also a number of subprocesses. It is...

International cooperation
English/About the Migration Agency/EU and international

Asylum and Refugees (IGC) is an informal forum where officials in different countries can discuss and exchange information on issues of asylum and...

Inter­na­tional deve­lop­ment coope­ra­tion
English/About the Migration Agency/EU and international

other countries, which in turn increases the legal security of the individual migrant, protects the right to asylum and strengthens the human rights of...

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