
Health care for asylum seekers
English / Private individuals / ... / While you are waiting for a decision

Health care for asylum seekers As an asylum seeker in Sweden, you are entitled to emergency healthcare and dental care, and health care that cannot...

Financial support for asylum seekers
English / Private individuals / ... / While you are waiting for a decision

Financial support for asylum seekers It is important that you can support yourself. If you do not earn your own money and you do not have some other...

Bank card for asylum seekers
English / Private individuals / ... / Financial support

Bank card for asylum seekers The economic allowance you receive from the Swedish Migration Agency is placed on a bank card. You will receive the bank...

Rejection of application for asylum
English/Private individuals/Leaving Sweden

If your application for asylum is rejected A rejection of your application means that the Swedish Migration Agency does not believe you have...

Protection and asylum in Sweden
English/Private individuals

Protection and asylum in Sweden This is information for those who have sought asylum in Sweden. You can read more about what happens after you hand...

Asylum – from application to decision
English / Private individuals / ... / Applying for asylum

Asylum – from application to decision 1 Application You must answer questions about, for example, your name, citizenship and family. You must hand in...

How to apply for asylum
English / Private individuals / ... / Applying for asylum

How to apply for asylum If you want to apply for asylum in Sweden you need to go to the Migration Agency to hand in your application. It is not...

Children in the asylum process
English / Private individuals / ... / Applying for asylum

Children in the asylum process Children’s rights during the asylum process are different from the rights of adults. Here we have gathered information...

LMA card for asylum seekers
English / Private individuals / ... / While you are waiting for a decision

LMA card for asylum seekers LMA is an abbreviation of the Swedish name for the Reception of Asylum Seekers Act. The LMA card is a plastic card with a...

Working while you are an asylum seeker
English / Private individuals / ... / While you are waiting for a decision

Working while you are an asylum seeker You will need to support yourself while you are waiting for your asylum application to be processed. You can...

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