
The Swedish Migration Agency answers: How we work to detect security threats
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

which a person seeking asylum can be excluded from being considered a refugee or a person eligible for subsidiary protection, if he or she can be...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: how many people go back to their country of origin?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

among people who receive a refusal of entry or expulsion decision in their asylum or permit case. This also applies to people who receive a decision on...

If you want to appeal
English / Private individuals / ... / If your application is refused

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

If you want to appeal
English/Private individuals/Studying in Sweden

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

If you want to appeal
English / Private individuals / ... / Rejection of residence permit application

number is shown on the decision. If you are an asylum seeker, your case number is also shown on your Asylum Seeker card. Also state your telephone number...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: How we work to detect security threats
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

these matters. Exclusion refers to cases in which a person seeking asylum can be excluded from being considered a refugee or a person eligible for...

Children born in Sweden whose parents are not Swedish citizens
English / Private individuals / ... / Residence permit for children

Sweden and the other has applied for asylum, you can apply for a residence permit for your child. If the child is in need of protection, you can apply for...

After receiving a decision on residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Directive
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

shows that you are entitled to support under the Act on the Reception of Asylum Seekers and others (LMA), which means you have the same rights as an...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: how many people go back to their country of origin?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

among people who receive a refusal of entry or expulsion decision in their asylum or permit case. This also applies to people who receive a decision on...

Jag har sökt asyl inom EU – vilket land kommer att hantera min ansökan? Pdf. PDF

/resource- centre/for-refugees-asylum-seekers-faq/ Kontaktuppgifter till organisationer som ger rättshjälp/flyktingstöd: Vid frågor som rör rättshjälp...

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