
Residence permit for EU/EEA citizens who wish to move to a family member in Sweden
English/Private individuals/EUEEA citizens

or national ID card, showing your citizenship and period of validity. You should copy both sides of the ID card a copy of a marriage certificate or the...

Information about the employment Pdf. PDF

Appendix to application for Swedish work permit. Complete this form, Information about the employment, if you are an employer or client in Sweden who is offering work to people who are citizens of a country outside the EU/EEA area and Switzerland.

Frequently asked ques­tions about the Tempo­rary Protec­tion Directive for you from Ukraine
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

you can show us a driving licence, birth certificate, citizenship certificate or military service book. Such documents can help to prove that you are a...

En gemensam agenda för integration - En ram för integration av tredjelandsmedborgare inom Europeiska unionen Pdf. PDF

enhances their role as residents and as participants in society. Providing for their participation and for the exercise of active citizenship is needed, most...

Annual Report on the Swedish Resettlement Programme 2020 Pdf. PDF

relatable to the pan- demic but rather to a change of focus in areas of resettlement. Transfers by citizenship 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2019 2020 A N N U A L...

How to apply for a work permit
English / Private individuals / ... / Employed

information about your name, date of birth, citizenship, education and your email address. It is important that you have access to the email address you give...

Former asylum seekers who have found employment and want to apply for a work permit
English / Private individuals / ... / If you are in Sweden

your name, date of birth, citizenship, education and your email address. It is important that you have access the email address you give your employer...

If you have visited an employer in Sweden and want to apply for a work permit
English / Private individuals / ... / If you are in Sweden

the employment. Your employer needs information about your name, date of birth, citizenship, education and your email address. It is important that you...

Employing someone who has travelled to Sweden as your prospective employee
English / Other operators / ... / Employing someone who is already in Sweden

You will need the name, date of birth, citizenship, education and email address for the person who will be working for you, as well as the Swedish...

Resi­dence permits for children moving to a parent in Sweden
English / Private individuals / ... / Residence permit for children

citizenship the parent must, in most cases, be able to support themselves and the child, and have a home of sufficient size and standard for them to live in...

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