
English / Private individuals / ... / Without parents

card with you to your visit. Health exam Everyone who applies for asylum in Sweden is offered a health exam. The purpose of the health exam is to make...

Your responsibilities as an employer
English/Other operators/Employers

exemptions from the work permit requirements for shorter jobs LMA card In some cases, an asylum seeker may be exempt from the work permit requirement during...

Accommodation with the Migration Agency
English / Private individuals / ... / Accommodation

while you await a decision on your asylum application. The Migration Agency offers you temporary accommodation during the time you are waiting for your...

Assurance of cohabitation Pdf. PDF

If you are applying for an extension of your residence permit because you are still living with your husband, wife, cohabiting partner or registered partner you need to fill out this form.

Projekt som bevil­jats stöd från AMIF
Andra aktörer / EU-fonder / ... / AMIFs projekt bidrar genom sina resultat

Insatser för stärkt stöd vid avslag och återvändande Projekt AMIRA II (Assisting Migrants in Return and Asylum) drivs av Röda Korset...

If you are already in Sweden and want to apply for work permit
English / Private individuals / ... / Employed

employers or occupations have an employment you started as an asylum seeker, where you have been offered continued employment after you have had your asylum...

Work permit for employees and citi­zens of non-EU countries
English/Private individuals/Working in Sweden

a researcher are an asylum seeker and have an AT-UND (exemption from the obligation to hold a work permit) are a citizen of an EU country have a...

New assess­ment of main­te­nance requi­re­ment when applying for a perma­nent resi­dence permit
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

permanent employment. Read about permanent residence permit for former asylum seekers and their families...

The Upper Secondary School Act will be changed on 20 December
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

Upper Secondary School Act will end on 20 January 2025. Read more about extending residence permits for former asylum seekers and their families Read more...

Return centres
English / Private individuals / ... / Rejection of application for asylum

Return centres If your application for asylum is rejected, you will be offered a place at a return centre. A return centre is an accommodation...

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