If your application has been rejected Rejection means that you have received a NO to your application for asylum. If you have been rejected, you have...
If you are granted a residence permit Residence permit means that you have received a YES to your application for asylum. You are allowed to stay in...
Temporary Protection Directive, as well as for accommodation and financial support. 2023-12-22 Asylum seekers from Ukraine can be granted temporary protection...
Asylum and Refugees (IGC) är ett informellt forum där tjänstemän i olika länder kan diskutera och utbyta information om frågor som rör asyl och migration...
Unfortunately, no time can be shown for those who have applied for asylum. Who is my case officer? When an investigating case officer is assigned to your case, he...
have allowances for the planned study period. Residence permits for studying in Sweden Residence permits for seeking protection (asylum) Those who are...
There are two forms of financial support to apply for: daily allowance and special allowance. Daily allowance All asylum seekers who do not have any money...
Finances When you apply for asylum in Sweden you have the opportunity to apply for financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency if you do not...
Your rights In Sweden, you are considered to be a child until you turn 18. Asylum-seeking children have the same rights as all children in Sweden...
card with you to your visit. Health exam Everyone who applies for asylum in Sweden is offered a health exam. The purpose of the health exam is to make...