
The Swedish Migra­tion Agency answers: how many diffe­rent main­te­nance requi­re­ments are there?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

situations. A certain monthly salary, a sufficiently large home, your own or a family member’s salary, one or more incomes – these are just some of the things...

English/About the Migration Agency

This is because the Swedish Migration Agency counts an application from a person who is in Sweden with a residence permit on the grounds of family ties...

This is how resettlement works
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish resettlement programme

files with documentation about each person and family to the Swedish Migration Agency. Resettlement work at the Swedish Migration Agency is then carried...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: How is it possible that children who have grown up in Sweden can be expelled?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

expel a child who has lived in Sweden for a long time – in this article we explain how that works and what the law actually says about children’s rights...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: How is it possible that children who have grown up in Sweden can be expelled?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

expel a child who has lived in Sweden for a long time – in this article we explain how that works and what the law actually says about children’s rights...

The Swedish Migra­tion Agency answers: Who comes to Sweden – and why?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

bars represent protection (red), family reunion (grey) work (blue), student (pink). The pictures (left-right: A quarter of a million asylum seekers to...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: Who comes to Sweden – and why?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

bars represent protection (red), family reunion (grey) work (blue), student (pink). The pictures (left-right: A quarter of a million asylum seekers to...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: this is how it works when we process cases where LGBTQI is grounds for protection
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

we make such an assessment and what does the law say? This is explained in this part of The Swedish Migration Agency answers. Being an LGBTQI person...

Swedish Resettlement Programme. Annual report for 2019 Pdf. PDF

home in Amman, Jordan. Her family fled from Homs in 2013. Their dire financial straits have led to Namaat taking on many of the household duties, but her...

To those seeking asylum in Sweden
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / Other languages

asylum in Sweden are contained in the UN Refugee Convention, the EU’s general regulations and Swedish law. This information sheet gives you summarised...

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