
Working life
Privatpersoner/Skydd och asyl i Sverige/Resettlement

it means to be a tax payer as well as what you need to consider in order to start your own business. Samman­fatt­ning Work is an important part of...

Employing students who are in Sweden
English / Other operators / ... / Employing someone who is already in Sweden

employed persons who have been granted work permits by working for you, you must also include the company's tax account statements for the last three months...

Right of resi­dence for an EU/​EEA citi­zen's family who are EU/​EEA citi­zens
English / Private individuals / ... / Work, study or live in Sweden for EUEEA citizens

your family members need to contact the Swedish Tax Agency. Information about how to register at the Swedish Tax Agency Family members A family member is...

Employing a rese­ar­cher
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

on how to appeal is provided in the researcher’s decision. Notify the Swedish Tax Agency When you employ someone from a country outside the EU, you...

Internal transfer within the company (ICT permit)
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

appeal is provided in the employee’s decision. Notify the Swedish Tax Agency When you employ somebody from a country outside the EU, you must notify the...

After receiving a decision on residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Directive
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

a decision, the Swedish Migration Agency will request a coordination number for you. It is the Swedish Tax Agency that will decide on the coordination...

Employing an athlete or a coach
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

at least SEK 14,300 per month before tax. Moreover, the Swedish Sports Confederation must certify that the employment is of vital importance for the...

Public services
Privatpersoner/Skydd och asyl i Sverige/Resettlement

that residents receive when they need it, everyone who lives in Sweden pays taxes. How much tax you pay is determined, among other things, based on how...

Residence permits for those granted refugee status
English / Private individuals / ... / If you are allowed to stay

have received a temporary residence permit you should register with the population register at the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) as soon as possible...

Residence permits for those granted subsidiary protection status
English / Private individuals / ... / If you are allowed to stay

you have received a temporary residence permit you should register with the population register at the Swedish Tax Agency ( Skatteverket ) as soon as...

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