
Residence status for British citizens
English/Private individuals/British citizens

member of a British citizen, or former family member of a British citizen have been in Sweden in accordance with European Union law before the end of the...

English/About the Migration Agency

This is because the Swedish Migration Agency counts an application from a person who is in Sweden with a residence permit on the grounds of family ties...

If you are seeking asylum with a parent or other custo­dian
English / Private individuals / ... / With parents

is a violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Swedish law. Sometimes children are forced to control their siblings because the family...

This is how resettlement works
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish resettlement programme

files with documentation about each person and family to the Swedish Migration Agency. Resettlement work at the Swedish Migration Agency is then carried...

English/Contact us

permit for those who have their own business Residence permit for family members of a self-employed person Residence permit for family members of a person...

Apply for protec­tion for the first time
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

accompanying family member of someone belonging to either of the two groups described above. If you have a passport or other identification documents showing...

Your rights as a child in Sweden
Privatpersoner / Skydd och asyl i Sverige / ... / For children and teenagers

the Child and Swedish law. Sometimes children are forced to control their siblings because the family is worried that rumours about them will spread...

Permanent residence permit for doctoral students
English/Private individuals/Studying in Sweden

Amortisation of home loans is not included in the cost of accommodation. You only need to be able to support yourself, not your family members. If you live alone...

Resi­dence permit for looking for work after studies
English/Private individuals/Studying in Sweden

insurance policy that is valid for healthcare in Sweden. If your family is also applying for residence permits In order for your family to be granted...

Automatic citizenship through birth, adoption or the parents’ marriage
English / Private individuals / ... / Apply for citizenship

foreign adoption decision that is approved in Sweden by the Family Law and Parental Support Authority (MFoF) the adoption is valid in Sweden on the basis of...

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