
Amended rules for family reuni­fi­ca­tion
English/Private individuals/Moving to someone in Sweden

Amended rules for family reuni­fi­ca­tion The Swedish Parliament has decided on new rules for people who apply for a residence permit to move to...

Amended rules for family reunification
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

Amended rules for family reunification The Swedish Parliament has decided on new rules for people who apply for a residence permit to move to Sweden...

The Swedish Migra­tion Agency answers: how many diffe­rent main­te­nance requi­re­ments are there?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

situations. A certain monthly salary, a sufficiently large home, your own or a family member’s salary, one or more incomes – these are just some of the things...

Your right to an asylum seeker (LMA) card when you switch from asylum to a work permit
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

Migration Agency had interpreted the law to mean that people who apply for a work permit after their application for asylum has been rejected are not entitled...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: How is it possible that children who have grown up in Sweden can be expelled?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

expel a child who has lived in Sweden for a long time – in this article we explain how that works and what the law actually says about children’s rights...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: How is it possible that children who have grown up in Sweden can be expelled?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

expel a child who has lived in Sweden for a long time – in this article we explain how that works and what the law actually says about children’s rights...

You can now receive an asylum decision by post
English/Private individuals/Protection and asylum in Sweden

passed from the date of service, the decision takes effect (gains the force of law) and you can no longer appeal it. This means that when the Swedish...

The Swedish Migra­tion Agency answers: Who comes to Sweden – and why?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / News archive

bars represent protection (red), family reunion (grey) work (blue), student (pink). The pictures (left-right: A quarter of a million asylum seekers to...

The Swedish Migration Agency answers: Who comes to Sweden – and why?
English / About the Migration Agency / ... / The Swedish Migra­tion Agency Answers

bars represent protection (red), family reunion (grey) work (blue), student (pink). The pictures (left-right: A quarter of a million asylum seekers to...

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