
Annual Report on the Swedish Resettlement Programme 2020 Pdf. PDF

relatable to the pan- demic but rather to a change of focus in areas of resettlement. Transfers by citizenship 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2019 2020 A N N U A L...

Swedish Resettlement Programme. Annual report for 2019 Pdf. PDF

Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ethnic and religious minorities with Syrian citizenship have also been selected, mainly Kurds, ethnic...

Vidarebosättning 2020. Verksamhetsrapport från Migrationsverkets arbete med den svenska flyktingkvoten Pdf. PDF

© UNHCR: Shawkat Alharfosh VERKSAMHETSRAPPORT Vidarebosättning 2020 Migrationsverkets arbete med den svenska flyktingkvoten Dnr: 1.3.4-2021-5538 V E R...

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