
Request to conclude a case Pdf. PDF

Use this form to request that a decision is made in your case if more than six months have passed since you submitted your application. Regarding applications for a work permit or residence permit for long-term resident third-country nationals from other EU countries, you may request that a decision is made in your case if more than four months have passed since you submitted your application. And regarding applications for an EU Blue Card, if more than 90 days have passed since you submitted your application. It is only possible to submit a request once during the period when the Swedish Migration Agency is processing the case. Please note that we will not consider a request that comes in too early.

Application for a residence permit for internships in connection with higher education Pdf. PDF

Use this form to apply for a residence permit to undertake an internship in Sweden if you come from a country outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland. The internship must be in connection with your study programme or degree.

Information about the employment Pdf. PDF

Appendix to application for Swedish work permit. Complete this form, Information about the employment, if you are an employer or client in Sweden who is offering work to people who are citizens of a country outside the EU/EEA area and Switzerland.

En gemensam agenda för integration - En ram för integration av tredjelandsmedborgare inom Europeiska unionen Pdf. PDF

enhances their role as residents and as participants in society. Providing for their participation and for the exercise of active citizenship is needed, most...

Annual Report on the Swedish Resettlement Programme 2020 Pdf. PDF

relatable to the pan- demic but rather to a change of focus in areas of resettlement. Transfers by citizenship 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2019 2020 A N N U A L...

Swedish Resettlement Programme. Annual report for 2019 Pdf. PDF

Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ethnic and religious minorities with Syrian citizenship have also been selected, mainly Kurds, ethnic...

How to apply for asylum. For children who are applying for asylum with a parent or other guardian Pdf. PDF

citizenship. At the end of this brochure you will find addresses to organisations that can be a support and help on your way through the...

Vidarebosättning 2020. Verksamhetsrapport från Migrationsverkets arbete med den svenska flyktingkvoten Pdf. PDF

© UNHCR: Shawkat Alharfosh VERKSAMHETSRAPPORT Vidarebosättning 2020 Migrationsverkets arbete med den svenska flyktingkvoten Dnr: 1.3.4-2021-5538 V E R...

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