
Para niños que han solicitado asilo Pdf. PDF

طفل وقد تقّدمت بطلب اللجوء Arabiska برای شام کسانی که کودک هستید و درخواست پناهندگی منوده اید Dari Information for children who have applied for asylum...

ንዓኻ ቆልዓ ዄንካ ዑቕባ ንምርካብ ኣመልኪትካ ዘሎኻ Pdf. PDF

applied for asylum Dari Engelska Para niños que han solicitado asilo Spanska Waxaa loogu talagalay qofka carruurta ah ee magangelyo doonka ah Somaliska...

Fingerprints and Eurodac Pdf. PDF

transmit them to a fingerprint database called “Eurodac”. This is only for the purpose of seeing if you have previously applied for asylum. Your fingerprint...

Children asking for international protection Pdf. PDF

here because you were afraid in your country of origin, we call this ‘seeking asylum’. Asylum is a place offering protection and safety. When you make a...

Confirmation of application for residence permit for child Pdf. PDF

Use this form to confirm an application for residence permit for a child.

Application for an extension of a residence permit Pdf. PDF

Use this form if you want to apply for an extension of your residence permit. This applies if you have previously applied for asylum or are a family member of a person who has previously applied for asylum and has been granted a temporary residence permit.

I’m in the Dublin procedure – what does this mean? Pdf. PDF

the Dublin procedure – what does this mean?” EN 2 You have been given this leaflet because you requested international protection (asylum) in this...

Assurance of cohabitation Pdf. PDF

If you are applying for an extension of your residence permit because you are still living with your husband, wife, cohabiting partner or registered partner you need to fill out this form.

Power of attorney – Applying to open cases at the Swedish Migration Agency Pdf. PDF

Use this power of attorney if you want a representative to represent you in your contact with the Swedish Migration Agency and the courts that handle migration cases.

Klassningskoder Pdf. PDF

classification Asyl- eller asylliknande skäl Asylum or asylum-related grounds Kod Klartext Lagrum Code Description Paragraph AC Väpnad konflikt, alternativt...

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